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RE: People may surprise you when you least expect it - this just happened to me!

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Exactly! This guy clearly chose this work for different reasons than just being in power. I love that. A guy I used to work with when I was in college joined the police a few years later. He used to be the biggest druggie in our circle! I had to laugh real hard when I found out what he did for a living. But then I thought, maybe a good thing. Maybe he can empathise with some people instead of jailing people for minor things because he's had this past. And then go after the real criminals. I'd like to think he's one of the good ones too.


WElll yeah, people who have lived are generally all around more empathetic. I'm a teacher,I should know - I'm one of the ones in authority, but gee watch me bend rules!!!!

That's good to hear that you're one of those teachers who bend the rules. I've only really cared for 3 teachers in my life, 2 in high school and 1 in college. All three bent the rules all the time :) They're the ones I remember. And of course those who were evil...

Ha yeah most people hate teachers. Good to hear at least 3 were human..

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