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RE: Mountains of Mango Madness - @ecotrain Abundance Woes Challenge

in #ecotrain5 years ago

I buy in frozen mango in bulk for our smoothies. I wish we had a similar problem, because it's so expensive over here.

Isn't it funny how the whites are busy trying to darken their skin while Asians want to lighten theirs. We always want what we haven't got.

Posted using Partiko Android


Maybe I should consider the fozen mango export biz??? Lol... yup. On the beach in Vietnam these last weeks, the Asians were nodding with obvious approval at my lily white bikini'd self while the westerners looked horrified before politely looking away. 🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

You can't win!

Posted using Partiko Android

I CAN & DO win by not giving a fuck what either group thinks. 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha! The joys of getting older, you come to the realisation that it no longer matters what anyone else thinks, in fact it never did!

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