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RE: ecoTrain Question of the week - What was one of the most profound spiritual moments of your life?

in #ecotrain7 years ago

Wow, that really makes you think of all the trauma and stored energy each country has for history and what has gone on before.

I had goose bumps when reading of your feelings of peace in the Yad Vashem, which feels like confirmation that you drawn there to let go of the trauma that you had been carrying. It sounds like you were very affected by the school teachings of the holocaust.

It is so sad that whole countries can carry on a grievance against a new generation who weren't born and had nothing to do with past behaviour. I had similar feelings of shock and disbelief when I watched the film "Gandhi" and found out what the British had done to India and then also finding out what 'Independence Day' is all about in America, being free of British rule! Like wow the British weren't so nice either and we weren't taught that in history at all!

I've done energy work on Auschwitz, and there is much stored trauma there. I've not really worked on whole nations still feeling guilt, blame or victims of history, so I will work on some of that. Makes you think if we cleared all stored trauma from history, how much kinder would the world be?

Thanks for sharing your experiences, really enlightening on issues that probably affect us all in some passed down way.

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