Seasteading Couple Safe In Panama

in #ecotrain5 years ago (edited)

Last year I wrote a post about Chad and Nadia, a couple living on a seastead in Thai waters and their troubles with the Thai authorities.
Since I am on Jeff Berwick´s subscription list I got an email yesterday, alerting me to an interview he did with them apparently already last December.

Now they are in Panama, where legislation and authorities are much more conducive to foreigners starting a business and bringing in innovative ideas.
Ocean Builders, the company they were involved with in Thailand, has now also moved to Panama, planning great things, and they are again working with them to bring more seasteads into the world.

I have never been to Panama, but I read a bit about it, and for Germans (and others) it is probably the second easiest country outside of the EU to get a residency (the easiest might be Paraguay, but there is no sea for seasteading), so this new seasteading development is great news.

Funny thing is, when I read about Chad and Nadia´s problems with the Thai government last year, I thought they should go to Panama, maybe I should tell them, but I never did, I´m quite lazy reaching out to people with my brilliant ideas 😘, but somehow they got the message anyway and now they are there.


I'm glad they're happy and safe and found a place. Having followed this story from the Thai side, both they and the company advising them had not done their homework.

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Yeah, that´s what some seasteading gurus are saying too.
That´s how the chimpanzee child learns.😎

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