ecoTrain question of the week: Do you think it a good or bad idea to bring children into this world in these troubled times?

in #ecotrain5 years ago (edited)

Children crusading for a better world

Up until about two years ago I would have said bad idea, but now we got the @ecotrain, making the world a better place, so deliver away, ladies! 😘

The Jean d´Arc of climate change

I have reached an age now, where I can join into every older generation´s favorite pasttime since times immemorial, bitching about the younger generation and how awful they are.

When I was young, the motto was “No future!“,
now it is “Fridays for future“, how pathetic!

Entitled brats, who haven´t walked to school a single day in their life, but are being chauffeured every day by their helicopter moms in a fancy SUV.
When they are finished with saving the fucking climate, taking lots of selfies while doing so, with their smartphones for which children died in Africa, the place where they panicked is littered with chain crap-to-go-cups, chain crap-food-containers and other shit.
Even Angela Merkel has shown her appreciation for those kids.

I don´t know.
If we would have been praised by some old politician, not that we ever were, we would have been deeply suspicious, those idiots feel empowered by this crap.

But like any religion, the Church of Climatology consists of some saints, like Greta Thunberg, the Jean d´Arc of climate change, and thousands of useful idiots, the believers.

The song about the nukes

The world has always been an awful place to have kids, the times were always troubled.

In the 80s the Americans installed Pershings and cruise missiles in West-Germany and the Russians SS-20 and other nuclear stuff in East-Germany, so if ever some fool had pressed the red button, Germany would have been obliterated.
So we were all scared of the nuclear apocalypse.

The forest was dying because of acid rain.
Oh, were we worried!

In 1986, there was Chernobyl, and we all thought, we gonna die of cancer pretty soon.
But since we were all going to die soon anyway, there was a lot of partying going on.
The spirit of Punk.
The dance on the volcano.
And nine months later, guess what?

Then there was the ozone hole, skin cancer, yikes!

Today we have AOC telling us that the world will come to an end in twelve years, (why twelve, why not eleven?, at least be bold in your predictions!) if we don´t implement her great plan, the Green New Deal, which somehow reminds me of Mao´s Great Leap Forward.
Afterwards a few million Chinese were dead, but hey, that sure was not bad for the CO2 balance.

Forward comrades, Fridays for future!

I don´t know whose sense of humor is responsible for this, God´s?, but it seems to me, that every endeavour aiming at some utopia always turned into some dystopian nightmare (the Children´s Crusade, the Workers-and-Peasants-State, the dreams of an Empire of Great Germany lasting a 1000 years), and every doomsday prophecy has not only not come true, we are still here, but instead, the world is better than ever.

Doomsday prophecies are just the modern equivalent to Neolithic campfire stories, the sagas and fairy tales.
Scary stuff just sells better than feelgood kumbaya.
Today Pocahontas Kowalski went shopping and was not raped by a refugee is just no headline.

So I believe, the world is a much better place than the media and some special interest groups want us to believe, because that´s what the world does, constantly changing and improving.
Evolution, development, human ingenuity that´s the stuff which makes the world go round.

Martin Luther, anti-semite, misogynist and hater of rebellious peasants,
had just the right recipe:

And if I knew the world would come to an end tomorrow,
I would still plant an apple tree today.

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Great question for the week I will love to participate as well in this question soon. Thanks for bringing this huge question to @ecotrain.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes.... this:

"Doomsday prophecies are just the modern equivalent to Neolithic campfire stories, the sagas and fairy tales.
Scary stuff just sells better than feelgood kumbaya."

You gotta nice way with words @likedeeler and a nice cut-through questioning 'thing'.

Than you. An admirable kick off to this challenge! 💜

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you!
I hope you´re feeling inspired now to write your own.
And as a mother you can contribute in a way I can´t.

\my god!! likedeeler! you have truly outdone yourself this time.. I was HOPing you would write on this QOTW because i knew you would have something interesting to say..,

this post is a fucking GEM, and you nailed it in so many ways.. and now i know how i feel about this question, finally!

Keep writing, PLEASE!

Thanx mate, I wrote it just for you! 😘

Great question!
Has crossed my thoughts over the years, why bring kids into this troubling world?
However since ive spiritually evolved as a earthwalker along with meditation, books etc over the years, Ive come into a realization thinking the kids coming into this world today, have their 5d in tact, bringing more love into the world and teaching "us" experiences.
To my understanding the planet is going through a dimensional shift atm from 3-4d to 5d.
This supposingly is over a period of 20 years and we have around 7 more years to go.
Those who do not wish to "step up" into the 5d will either not survive this world or finish there 4d experience on another planet! 😇🙏☀

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There is a difference between doomsday prophecy and not being able to get food next week.

There is a difference between people being afraid of over-zealous police officers and being sent to the Gulags.

There is a difference between man-made-climate change and grand-solar-minimum (ice age)

So, if you intend to have children now, move to a place where you can grow your own food, and grow your own food. It is not that it is a bad time to start a family, but the writing is on the wall. Food shortages are coming. FEMA camps are here.

Do not give in to fear, but also do not go blindly into the future.

Sure, Hitler hasn't started rounding up the Jews yet, but the writing is on the wall.

Wow @likedeeler - this is a piece. Of course I agree the world is much better place than we are led to believe. And I think ex-executive of facebook put it quite nicely “people don’t realize but they are being programmed”..... what and how to think. 🧘🏼‍♂️🧘🏼‍♂️🧘🏼‍♂️ shield me from getting this mind corrupt.

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Yes, it´s all in the mind!

That's so true. Love your acerbic tone, made me smile. Doomsday it may be, but I'm personally seeing effects of overpopulation here - I do think it's real - but of course we can't entirely listen to the doomsday media either.

And the kids of today are largely better than you think - I know quite a few awesome ones and they're no different to how I was when I was a kid.

But YES - hypocrisy abounds, in every generation:

When they are finished with saving the fucking climate, taking lots of selfies while doing so, with their smartphones for which children died in Africa, the place where they panicked is littered with chain crap-to-go-cups, chain crap-food-containers and other shit.

So true! But, my boy went to a climate change thing, then they went to local supermarket with their re-usable bags and no waste personal policies and ethical mindset and were brilliant and they were beautiful humans I'm proud to be in the world with.

Loved your response.

I hope kids today are better than I think. 😘

Now my be troublesome but I tell you, most kids of today are enjoying life more that we did during our childhood period. Speaking from experience because I’m the case study here.

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Great question, it is not a good idea for the timing but if it does happen by chance we have to take it like that. But parents should at all times should learn always never to have divided opinion over child discipline.

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