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RE: Should parents set a minimum age or some restrictions for their children to own a smartphone? 📵📵 - EcoTrain QOTW

in #ecotrain6 years ago

My niece who has 13 years old got the 3rd phone already at her age (the other 2 were stolen or lost..or she can't remember)...and today when we talked about her new phone trying to make her realise that phones do not grow in the trees free like birds and to not lose this one she said very cam "So what, c'est la vie!" ... we all remain with our mouths open .. they do not care about the price of it, they just want to have their network life and not care about the real life ☹


Their lives are revolving around phones and to an extent the parents need to be blamed. We give into their demands and it is an encouragement to them. Atleast they should realize that it is not something that comes for free. Not only the phone but the kids should value everything in life. Thanx for sharing your story @laviniatherapist

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