Introducing “The Global Homestead” - Biweekly Exposition of Current News in #Homesteading and #Sustainability

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Date: April 18, 2018 - May 2, 2018


Welcome to the official #GlobalHomestead! This newsletter will be released biweekly every other Wednesday with a concise exposition of recent news and current events in homesteading and sustainability.


The goal of the #GlobalHomestead is to increase awareness of what’s going in the world and to reinforce the idea that this planet is both our privilege and our responsibility!

FREE Sustainability and Tech Fair

“On May 12, a free “Energy, Sustainability & Tech Fair” is being hosted in Highland Park [in Michigan]. Presented by the Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association (GLREA), Parker Village, and Soulardarity, the fair will engage participants in energy conservationand best practices that you can take home and use.

21 Highland Street
Highland Park, MI 48203

Sat, May 12, 2018
11:00 AM – 8:00 PM EDT

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Blockchain in Energy Industry- Startups Introduce New Tech

“The global electricity market is estimated to be worth nearly $2 trillion, yet it’s heavily monopolized by just a handful of corporations and organizations… [The] Blockchain is poised to change this, or disrupt it entirely. Imagine the adoption of a centralized energy market where you can buy and sell energy to fellow consumers, without corporations and third parties. It sounds insane and slightly dystopic, but such a thing is possible with blockchain…Over 15 startups—and growing—are currently introducing blockchain-based technologies into the energy sector to uproot the current state of the industry.”

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‘National Public Gardens Day’ Volunteer Event

“In honor of National Public Gardens Day, Monk Botanical Gardens [Wausau, WI] will be hosting a volunteer [gardening] event on May 12th from 9am-12pm. Celebrate the Gardens by helping us get ready for the season. All levels of gardeners and ages are welcome. A variety of tasks must be completed including: buckthorn removal, raking, picking up debris and other garden chores.”

Monk Botanical Gardens
1800 N 1st Ave
Wausau, WI

Sat., May 12, 2018
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT

Event page
Sign up

Illinois State House Approves Tax Breaks for Urban Farming

“The Illinois House has voted to allow tax breaks for those who take vacant land and use it for urban farming. The aim is to give an economic boost to the state’s low-income areas… [Representative Sonya] Harper’s bill would allow city governments across the state to offer incentives like tax abatements and lower utility rates, but there would be limits on the dollar amount of those incentives.”

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Paris to Turn 1/3 of Green Space into Urban Farms

Credit: Simon Lemarchand

“…city mayor, Anne Hidalgo, who was elected in 2014, declared her intention to make Paris a greener city. The Paris government responded to her call in 2016 by launching Parisculteurs, a project which aims to cover the city’s rooftops and walls with 100 hectares (247 acres) of vegetation by 2020. One third of the green space, according to its plan, should be dedicated to urban farming. So far, 74 companies and public institutions have signed a charter to partner with the city in developing urban agriculture.”

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  1. Modeldmedia | AARON MONDRY | Monday, April 30, 2018
  2. TheBossMagazine | MEGAN RAY NICHOLS | May 2018
  3. Monk Botanical Gardens | Facebook Event
  4. | SAM DUNKLAU | April 27, 2018
  5. CNN | KATY WONG | April 3, 2018

If this were the kind of news we read regularly, it might convince us that the world is not such an awful place to live. Very encouraging! Thank you!

I think it's a great news letter @kiaraantonoviche.

Good news for like minded in the greennside of thongs! I'm definitely intrigued by the Paris article and the Blockchain in Energy one.

Hopefully this firs article passes the test... I want more.

Thank you for putting it together.

Thanks, glad to hear you liked it! It's difficult to chose which articles to include and which to skip because there are TONS of initiatives out there so this is hardly all-inclusive. But I'm hoping to include a concise variety every other week just so people can get an idea of what's been going on! (And to help me keep up-to-date too because I'm a hermit lol!)

I bet it's tons of work just sifting through articles alone.. and than you have to pick and chose!!!

I am wondering where I will find time for steemit once we are homesteading full time with spring and our move to 20 acres to build a homestead!!

But I can read for sure!

It's good to keep yourself up to date

This is an idea I've had for a long time and I am still working on its' execution - this first edition is a "test run" so to speak. Please let me know what you think of the content and format and I'll continually try to improve it!

This could become a mighty big newsletter...

That's one of the reasons I've waited so long to even give it a try, I was worried it would get overwhelming! And it probably will... but I'm going to try to keep it simple and concise, just a taste of what's going on, so that it doesn't spiral out of my control lol!

Should be an interesting project. Do you want information sent to you if anything interesting pops up?

Absolutely! I will also apply the Recommendation Reward that applies to the WHN - 0.1 SBD for any suggestion that is ultimately included! Also, I can't post here-say or speculation so the recommendation should at least have a link to some type of source. I'll probably add all this info to the next newsletter too! Thanks for asking!

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