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RE: Gratitude Challenge Day 1: Gratitude

in #ecotrain6 years ago

I really like the idea of the "glad heart" list. That's brilliant that you've been doing it for so long and it's helped you.
I really hope you get to visit England with your daughter soon. It's hard when they move away but she will always be in contact with you and that mama daughter bond will always be there. No matter how far apart you are xx 💖💖💗


I am definitely glad for my glad heart list. I'm really looking forward to the UK trip. It was gut wrenching, soul crushing when my son moved out. Luckily she will be here for holidays and summers for a few more years. We have a beautiful bond, and I'm not sure how I'll do, but I'm so glad she's brave enough to go do what she needs.

I know from experience it can be upsetting at first. You can adjust to it though and the way I look at it is that they will eventually fly the nest and spread their wings anyway so a little bit sooner is not really much different to that. I can't wait to read all about your UK trip. I'd be interested to know what you think about the UK. :-) <3

I'm curious to see what I think too. It's mostly because my daughter wants to go there. Having lived in tiny, quiet Belize for 3 years now, I get freaked out in the US. So busy and chaotic and loud. It overwhelms me, but I figure in the UK I can at least distract myself with tourism. And also beer. Our beer options here are so limited.

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