Gene Codes: Reflections on Human Nature - Page 14

in #ecotrain5 years ago


EcoTrain Reflection of the Week: ReSpect!

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EcoTrain: Question Of The Week


RE - again

SPECT - to look

If RE means again, and SPECT means to look, then I believe a more spiritual definition of ReSpect is to look more deeply at whatever or whoever you wish to ReSpect, whether in relationships, the environment, animal rights or artistic expression. Looking more deeply means we go beyond the surface of first impressions.

I've decided once again to address this subject on this 14th Page of my reflections on human nature because of the following comments made by @ecotrain

So this week I want to dive into Respect. Isn't it interesting how some people can command respect without even seeming to try. Is it the way they stand, or the confidence they emanate? What [causes] some people [to be] more respected than others, and how do we get it for ourselves? How can we command respect from others for who and what we are?

I still haven't responded to the comments from my last reflection, but this subject, and the above questions, have been ruminating in my mind for days as I was automatically inspired to think about the 7 Life Energies in relation to the concept of ReSpect!

But what really sparked my desire to share my insights is the following question: What [causes] some people [to be] more respected than others, and how do we get it for ourselves?


If there's a first love in my reflections, it has to be the Natural Life Energy model. After some 19 years of study and observation, I have yet to find a system for understanding human nature that gives me more insights into the human condition than this knowledge.

There are 7 Life Energies:

- Dynamic Aggressive
- Dynamic Assertive
- Dynamic Supportive
- Creative Assertive
- Adaptive Aggressive
- Adaptive Supportive

Each of us is born with one of these energies at the core of our being. And although we are subject to conditioning throughout life, this Energy will remain as the driving force for how we experience life, positively or negatively.


Dynamic Aggressives are the natural born leaders. Like all Dynamics, they are very charismatic and people are generally drawn to their magnetism. These are the presidents, prime ministers, kings, queens, CEOs and other authority figures of all types. They are macro-organizers and tend to prefer the path of entrepreneurialism. They seek to control people and resources, and always have grand visions that they work tirelessly to actualize.

ReSpect comes so easily to these people because of how incredibily charasmatic they are, and because they really do actualizes great visions in life. Since they only make up about 0.5% of the population, they are truly rare and unique. Not better or superior! Just unique. They are the ones who build skyscrapers, palaces, bridges and run companies that employ thousands of people.

Why should we ReSpect Dynamic Aggressives?
Without them, we would have no societal growth, or visions of where we are going spiritually. Dymanic Aggressives make big things happen. We ReSpect them for that, but we also lose ReSpect for them when they let power corrupt their decisions concerning human rights, the environment, socail justice, etc.


Dynamic Assertives are also leaders, but do not seek to control others. They lead by example. These are the revolutionaries, trendsetters, nonconformists, who want control over their own lives. They are very independent and tend to distrust authority. They challenge the wrongs in society, and fight to the point of martyrdom to correct the oppressive conditions of any environment. They are very conceptually creative and enjoy studying the processes of life. They tend to be deep thinkers and are often misunderstood.

ReSpect also comes easily to this group because of their natural magnetism and charisma. These are our martyrs who sacrifice their lives to stop oppression and correct social injustices. Dynamic Assetives make up about 1% of the population, so they also have a rareness, uniqueness and even strangeness about them.

Why should we ReSpect Dynamic Assertives?
Because without them challenging the wrongs of our world, we wouldn't have much of a world left to enjoy. Slavery, starvation, envirronmantal degradation and political abuse would go unchecked without them!


Dynamic Supportives are our natural healers, communicators and mediators. They are very friendly and laid back; and they genuinely care about others. They have a very emphatic nature and are able to bring people together to resolve conflicts.

ReSpect for Dynamic Supportives is so easy to give and recieve! These people have such a warm and generous heart, and like all Dynamics, are charismatic. They don't seek positions of power, nor do they try to convince others thier beliefs. They love unconditionally, and help unconditionally.

Why should we ReSpect Dynamic Supportives?
How can you not ReSpect them! Without them, many homeless people would be abandoned, schools in rough neighborhoods would be left without teachers and social workers and the healing professions would have less Heart Energy!


Creative Assertives are the natural artists in life. They are extremely sensitive to all of the different energies around them. They see colors, smell odors, hear sounds, feel emotions more intensely than the other Life Energies. They have a very unpredictable rhythm, so much so, that it can even create confusion for them, as much as others. Their sense of self can often be ungrounded, so they seek their identity in how people react to them.

ReSpect for these senstives beings can either come from their generosity, or from the amazing works of art they create. Creative Assertives don't always win the hearts of others because they can come across as contrary, but they are not wanting to be rude, but rather different. Their nature causes them to see what other are not paying attention to. So if everyone sees the ugly, they see the beautiful; and if everyone is focused on the beautilful, they will see the ugly.

Why should we ReSpect Creative Assertives?
Because without them, life would indeed be bleak and bland! They're the ones who beautify our world and add color and style to our lives. Look at the curtains in your home, the colorful clothes we wear, the paintings on our walls, etc. We actually need to build a better society that ReSpects our artists and their very unpredictible nature and unique rhythms.


Adaptive Aggressives are the great survivors and facilitators. They are not charismatic, but are very charming. They can be very deceptive and manipulative, but also very fun to be with because they will do anything. They are very driven, but not visionary, so they like to associate themselves with important people, usually Dynamic, who they can help with their grand goals.

ReSpect for this group is a bit ticky! These are very distrustful people who often have hidden agendas, and believe that everyone around them also have hidden agendas. They ReSpect powerful and influencial people because it allows them to get ahead in life; they are, afterall, great opportunists!

Why should we ReSpect Adaptive Aggressives?
Because they get things done! They are amazing facilitators and managers. Projects would, and do, become very disorganized without their presence. They are also the most fun people to spend time with, when they are on thier upside, because they have a real sense of adventure, humour and the curiosity to try anything!


Adaptive Assertives are the geeks of our society; the technicians, engineers, scientists; essentially, the fixers in life. They love to figure things out, and are extremely good at handling detail. They don't like to stand out, and generally don't challenge authority.

ReSpect for Adaptive Assertives comes naturally as they tend to be very well-mannered people. They believe strongly in being civilized and ReSpecting social norms, the law and religious principles.

Why should we ReSpect Adaptive Assertives?
Adaptive Assertives are the fixers, the nerds, mechanics, the ones we call when things break. They are perfectionists who can sit in front of a computer for hours going over code to make sure that everything is going to run with precision. The leadership roles that they would take on would be a manager or foreman, but they would not want to become a president or CEO. These are the people we want designing and building our bridges and buildings, to assure that no details are overlooked that could cause lives to be lost in the future. They have a great deal of patience when it comes to getting a job done right!


Adaptive Supportives are the natural followers in life. They don't seek positions of authority, nor do they like too much responsibility over others. They are very predictable, and prefer to be that way. They live simple lives, and also do not like to stand out. They are the largest group of the Life Energies, so when we talk about the masses, we are talking mostly about them. They don't like change, so they create very repetitive routines in life. They believe themselves to be extensions of their leaders. They are very charitable, and tend to be good citizens.

ReSpect for this group of soft natured and simple people is a given. They love and honor the family, and lifelong friendships. They tend to be very honest and open people, and DisReSpect can hurt them deeply, even if they don't show it. Since they are so innately considerate, they find it difficult to understand why others can be so inconsiderate and rude.

Why should we ReSpect Adaptive Supportives?
They are the foudation of any society! Without them, a nation could not be built, a culture could not evolve and traditions maintained. We should have a great ReSpect for this group, for it is they who keep our societies running. These are the simple worker bees who repeat those mundane, but essential, jobs on a daily basis, all of their lives. And we benefit greatly from the conscientious work that they do, often without being noticed or properly rewarded.


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