The Medicinal Cooking Collective Week 3 Guidelines: Cooking For The Stomach & Spleen / Earth Element

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Auyama cream with turmeric and mango juice with carrot


I am very happy to be in this challenge again for the third time and this week we are cooking for the Stomach and the Spleen with the element Earth. In the theory of the Chinese element 5, the earth element is associated with the yellow color and the sweet taste. It is also associated with thinking and clear thinking. According to this theory, yellow food is good for your digestive system and spleen and yellow is a common color in foods. You can eat things like sweet corn or baby, yellow sweet potato, oats, pumpkin, pumpkin, yellow pepper, soy, soy curd, ginger, orange, star fruit, lemon, pineapple, papaya, peanuts, nuts, honey and more.

Thanks to @eco-alex and @ecotrain for this initiative of The Medicinal Cooking and with the challenge of each week according to the elements that correspond and as the previous explanation says, this time we had to eat beneficial foods for the stomach and the base with the earth element , we speak yellow and sweet foods.

I wanted to make my great cream Auyama with turmeric and garlic, as main elements and a delicious mango juice with carrot.

But before giving them the recipes and step by step, we must identify the vitamins, minerals and the benefits of consuming these fruits and vegetables.

main ingredients:

The auyama and its multiple healing properties:


This study acontinuacion I present, is something that explains and is very complete:

The auyama brings many benefits to your body, among which are

Anemia: eating your pulp is an excellent tonic to combat anemia in children and the elderly.

Anthelmintic): 30 to 40 g of seeds, peeled and mixed with honey, every hour, for a day. Then take a purgative saline. In children reduce the dose and administer several consecutive days, before taking the purgative.

Arthritis: A great alkalizing blood, helps to release uric acid, and improve circulation.

Wrinkles: The auyama juice applied to the face refreshes and fades wrinkles.

Stroke: helps replenish the system quickly after a heart attack.

Stuffed arteries: eat the mashed seeds combined with brown sugar.

Angina of chest: the people who suffer of angina of chest or that have suffered of a heart attack, should eat auyama 3 or 4 times per week.

Anemia: Eat raw striped pulp daily and season with olive oil and salt to taste. The flower and the fruit of the pumpkin can also be eaten as vegetables to strengthen the organism. They are excellent for combating malnutrition.

Liver abscesses: the cooked leaves of the auyama relieve the liver quickly. In the same way the crushed pulp

Antiflatulent: significantly combat flatulence

Cancer: The boost is recommended for the prevention of cancer, which demonstrates its great medicinal qualities. Take ½ glass of Juice auyama, ½ glass of Artichoke Juice, 1 glass of Calendula Water, and 1 glass of soy milk, mix everything in a blender, add honey, then strain and take the content.Dose: 3 coffee cups daily.

Cicatrizante: The slime that contains the peel is an excellent remedy to close the cracks of the nipples of nursing mothers
Circulatory: eating pump every day helps greatly the circulatory system

Kidney stones: to break down the kidney stones it is necessary to leave the serene a piece of pump and the next day eat it. Also the tea seeds of the pumpkin spray stones or kidney stones

Brain: the auyama is good food for the brain because of its high phosphorus content.

Cystitis: the seeds of the pump, being an urinary anti-inflammatory, acts on the urinary bladder, deflating and relaxing it. Seeds or pumpkin seeds or pumpkin are indicated in case of cystitis, urinary tract infections, incontinence
urinary, cystocele (detachment of the urinary bladder), neurogenic bladder (irritation manifested by a constant desire to urinate).

Depilatory: apply on the skin the juice that is extracted when cutting or scraping the shell.

Detoxifying: to detoxify the organism of morbid waste, ingest only in soup or boiled for a couple of days.

Diarrhea: boil two leaves in six cups of water. Strain and sweeten with honey.

Diuretic: eating a pump often serves as a diuretic since it increases the production of special urine for those who suffer from fluid retention.

Infant enuresis: crush the seeds and make a tisane and then mix with cucumber juice and give your child to drink. This helps increase the amount of urine.

Constipation: The fiber of the Auyama that it possesses is of soluble type and acts as a mild laxative, avoiding irritations in the intestines. It is very good to face constipation.

Scalding: poultice of leaves or pulp

Eruptions: use the oil from the seeds.

Thinness: The auyama helps considerably to gain weight

Hemorrhoids: The pulp mixed with beet and applied to the altered area.

Liver: Inflammation of the liver: prepare an ointment with the pulp of the pumpkin, lettuce and purslane, and apply on the inflamed area.

Wounds: apply in the area oil of seeds of auyama.

Inflammations: poultice of leaves or pulp in the affected area reduces inflammation.

Iinflammations of the urinary tract. The same procedure outlined above. Take three cups daily

Inflammation of tumors, abscesses: apply the pulp on the areas.

Insomnia: emulsion of seeds (peeled, crushed): cook 100 g of seeds in 500 cc of water. Take during the first hours of the afternoon and a cup before going to sleep.

Dropsy: Eat a portion daily of raw auyama.

Hypertension: eating boiled auyama but without salt every day normalizes blood pressure.

Auyama is indicated in cases of arterial hypertension because it contains very little sodium and enough potassium

Laxative: The fried or hoeed pumpkin, and / or stuffed with lemon juice, cleanses the intestines.


Carrot and mango smoothie


Carrot and mango smoothie
The mango is a juicy, rich pulpy fruit, rich in magnesium and vitamins A, C and K, which makes it an excellent anti-inflammatory.

In addition, like pineapple and papaya, mango contains enzymes that help promote bowel movement.

The carrot is a very recognized vegetable in the world. And not only is it due to its delicious flavor, but also to its contribution of nutrients such as:

Fiber, vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, folic acid), minerals (iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium) and natural antioxidants.

In addition, they also have a very low caloric value, since they only provide 25 calories per 100 grams, and can be prepared in various ways, whether raw, cooked, in juices or smoothies.

What makes them a special capable food has a lot of functions in our body, such as: Block the absorption of cholesterol, help clear skin spots, promote the growth of red blood cells, regulate digestive disorders, such as diarrhea and constipation. Also, it helps to lose weight, and a very important function detoxifies the organism.

These are my two main yellow ingredients, with which I made this delicious recipe.


  • Auyama
  • Garlic
  • Celery
  • Onion
  • Peppers
  • Salt and pepper
  • Badeo sheet


This recipe is very easy to prepare, the main thing is to wash and cut into small pieces all the ingredients, put them in a cooking pot until they soften, then we mix them all together and we have this fabulous cream auyama.

I show you step by step with the explanatory photos, you will not lose steps because it is very clear.






Prepare this delicious juice



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lovely job! good to see such a thorough write up with the medicinal properties of the ingredients. nice one! I have also sent an upvote from the @ecotrain voting bot .. it will come soon. . . thanks for taking part!

Friend, this recipe looks delicious, I will prepare it today for my dinner.
Thank you very much for explaining all its properties and benefits.
Happy Thursday!

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