Steem ecoVillage Update : Land Acquired in Portugal, Website Launch, ecoVillage Token is Live!

in #ecotrain5 years ago (edited)


Last month I shared a post about ecoVillage, and promised to update you all with some big news, and today I'm very happy to share with you some incredible news and updates to the ecoVillage project. In my last ecoVillage post I had set the clear intention to not only create an ecoVillage based on natural giving, but also to get the help and support to manifest this grand project from the Steem community. You guys did not let me down, and today I'm so happy to share with you that we have now secured the land for the first ecoVillage, FOR FREE! So a HUGE shout out to @orlev, who by amazing co-incidence shares my vision for ecoVillage completely! @orlev has recently bought around 7 acres of beautiful pine forest land in Portugal, with the intention of creating an offgrid community based also on natural giving. After a few good chats @orlev has agreed to join the ecoVillage project and donate his land to create our first ecoVillage! This is a huge milestone, and a great positive sign that this new paradigm concept can, and is working! We are now in the position to start manifesting an ecoVillage, which is open to all, with some very interesting new paradigm features that I would like to share with you in this post.


Disrupting the "Cost of Living" Industry

The most successful enterprises over the past few centuries have been the ones that have disrupted a particular industry. When you can use technology and innovation to completely change the way people do certain things - things which everyone has taken for granted as just "the way things are" - it unlocks the potential for massive profits while also greatly improving people's lives and in rare cases the environment as well.

One thing that underlies every industry is the extremely high cost of living nearly everywhere in the world today. One of the biggest expenses for nearly every business is salaries and labour. This is because they must pay their employees enough to live in modern society including excessive mortgage payments, grocery costs, and utilities like electricity, water, heating and air conditioning.

But all of those things don't need to cost money. They are all provided by the earth, free of charge. If we can significantly reduce or eliminate the cost of living, then some of the largest expenses of nearly every person and business in the world suddenly turn into profits.

There are start-ups all over the world receiving massive amounts of funding to try to disrupt nearly every industry you can think of, but there are none that we have ever seen dealing with the cost of living that underlies everything.

This, right now, is your chance to be a part of a truly world changing opportunity. This is a bold claim, but if you read on I think you'll find that this is not only very possible, but also relatively simple to get started while having the potential for massive growth.


ecoVillage will provide a lifetime of self sufficient off-grid living for all members. ecoVillage will not only remove the burden of self building, but will also donate the land, labour, and management of the entire build process to each community member.

An ecoVillager would only have to pay for the material costs of their earthship home. As the community develops it will produce many products, goods, and services such as vegetables, crafts, workshops and entertainment. A percentage of these profits are shared with ecoVillage and used to expand and improve the ecoVillage. Profits are also used to buy back ecoVillage tokens from investors on an ongoing basis. Investors may exit at any time by selling their ecoVillage coin on the open market.

This is very decentralised approach to community living and commerce, whereby each member would have all the amenities they need to live self sufficiently with no bills. Whilst they would be responsible for the maintenance and management of their homes, they would receive the support and help they need from the ecoVillage. The community works synergistically and for the good of all, like a family unit.

We can look at this model as a collaborative approach to eco building and living, that brings together the very best of capitalism, the very best of sustainable building, and a community of motivated and empowered people. The result is ecoVillage, finally a way that makes it not only possible, but even easy, for anyone who wants to build their own eco home.

The ecoVillage model provides a replicable system that would remove the obstacles that people face when building on their own. Those few who do succeed self building often find themselves living very remotely and are quite isolated. I know of many people who have had had to leave their eco homes and go back to grid living for various reasons. The most common reason is for the children, as they got older they need more than just a mother and father and siblings.

Self Sufficiency

An ecoVillage is a group of people living in homes built by the community using Earthship Biotecture. Earthships are able to provide their occupants with a lifetime of power, water, and comfort in any climate, with almost no utility bills or centralised systems in place.

Ethical Investment

ecoVillage coin is being sold to investors, with funds being used to initiate the ecoVillage community. ROI is ensured via continued buyback of ecoVillage coin at market prices from profits made by the community selling products and services.

Diverse Range of Products and Services

The ecoVillage community will produce various products that can be sold to shops and online via the ecoVillage shop. Some examples of goods are organic fruits and vegetables, organic compost and fertiliser from community waste, sustainably grown products, furniture, workshops and events.

ecoVillage expansion

Once this model has proven to be successful through demonstration, ecoVillage will expand to create new ecoVillages around the world. This will further support the ecoVillage coin as products and services will also expand.


Would you like to be a part of making ecoVillage a great success? I am now in the process of creating a team of people who will take on the various roles that are needed to make this happen. At this early stage we are looking for people who can help with the various aspects of this project. If you have experience or enthusiasm for this project then please join us on the new online ecoVillage Community Network, where we are discussing and planning this project.

1. Setting Up The Company / Legal Advice

If you have knowledge and experience with setting up companies we would love to hear from you. We are currently choosing the most appropriate type business model for ecoVillage. @ura-soul has been assisting me with some basic advice and at this stage we are looking at the option of a Social Enterprise model, which does seem to fit well with what we are doing. If you would like to advise and help us set this company up then please do join us at . If you have any knowledge or experience with the laws and regulations in Portugal then we would really love to hear from you!

2. Blockchain

ecoVillage has its own Token on which is now available for investors to purchase! We would like to integrate other blockchain features into our website, and ultimately would like to develop a system for our community to use that would allow for many of the features seen on Steem such as upvotes and rewards. This system would be used to manage and direct ecoVillage funds into projects and community ideas. If you have knowledge or experience with blockchain development we would love to hear from you!

3. Permaculture

One of the first things we will do with the land is to initiate food production based on permaculture. We are looking to assemble a small team of people who will join us in Portugal to start working with the land and setting up the food production! If you have experience with organic farming and permaculture please join us on the community network and let's chat!

4. Social Network Outreach

We want to reach out to others and share this idea with the world! If you would like to help us with our social media networking, reaching out to others and helping us to grow this movement then we would love you to get involved!

5. Community

Last but not least, if you are interested in joining us as an ecoVillage member then now is your chance! We are not choosing members just yet, but would like to assemble a group of potential community members who are keen to get involved!

Do you want to see where the land is:


If you understand what we are doing and would like to show your support for this project then please buy $1 of ecoVillage tokens on This show of support means so much to us, and is also a nice little investment that may well pay back dividends in the future!


We are using our delegation to support sustainability and all related topics on Steem. Some of the curation rewards will also be used to help fund the initial steps of forming the ecoVillage company. We don't need much to get going, and need funds to cover some of the basic costs related to starting up a company as well as some legal advice.

Whilst Steem is largely a technical endeavour that usually supports technical blockchain projects, I believe we also need to also use it to promote and engage with the deep world issues that Blockchain is here to solve. Would it not be amazing to see a successful Steem supported ecoCommunity like this on the mainstream news?! ... And how good would that be for the support and price of Steem?! ; -)

With huge thanks to @yabapmatt for his support and delegation to the cause...





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wow! amazing idea

the same thing i was saying will follow for sure


I'm blown away. I was chatting to @bubke about this at SF4 and just checked out this latest post, I had no idea things had progressed so quickly. This is the most exciting and inspiring initiative on the Steem blockchain.

It's real, and what a great country to have fortuitously stumbled upon!

You should really check out Home Biogas for an excellent self sufficiency option. They are running a Kickstarter now with a much reduced price.

You can read about my experience with HomeBioGas here:

Thanks! Yes home biogas is a great option.. although we would make our own for free rather than buy a commercial product.. thanks!

Make your own for free. Interesting. Would love to know to do that.

Its not so hard but it will be bigger than a commercial product.. u can do most of it with mud and make a nice dome for the housing... then a few pipes and things and your on your way! Ive seen a few on my travels

There's a place in Costa Rica called Rancho Mastatal, they have been dealing with a biodigester for many years now and it works great, but without collecting manure from a neighbor they wouldn't make enough gas for all their cooking. And they have quite a lot of people coming in and out. Also they told me this only really works well in hotter climates, which may be perfect in portugal.

Thanks for this’ ... we might have to have a horse or two ;)

ah man... horses too!!! I am having a rwally hard time imagining doing what I'm doing in New York instead of at ecoVillage number one in Portugal with you 😁!

Awe mate! Im feeling you!

What ? This is great ! :) will probably keep an eye out as i will have some free time maybe to join you or help in any way, for a while i wanted to learn about adobe construction.
Meanwhile can always hold some eco :)

Nice, thanks @zedikaredirect ! please do join us in the community network.. you can certainly learn about adobe work with earthship construction.. especially the plastering!


Great project as i will love to have one in my country Sierra Leone West Africa

I can't believe this is going ahead. I have been looking into the Earthship thing for a while now and recently bought the app so I could see the plans and get more info but as mentioned in your post, the idea of doing it by myself is quite daunting as well as the thought of living without neighbours or support (I have two kids and a wife). I will be buying some tokens and watching this with interest. Great work !!

Thank u jim! So glad u get it!

It is truly remarkable what is POSSIBLE when we align with purity of intention.

Wonderful, wonderful news. Let there be more of it!!

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Here here xxx

This gotta be the best project I've ever seen in the STEEM blockchain!!

I live in Portugal, a bit far away from Penamacor and don't have that much ease to travel, still, given the opportunity I definitely want to help/participate, one way or the other ;D

Also given the opportunity I'll acquire some ECO tokens, and will for now share this post on other social media ;)

Thank You very much for starting this amazing project!!

All the best, In Lak'ech Ala K'in

Thanks for this awesome comment! Your support and positivity means a lot to me! I hope to see u one day in Portugal!

Very interesting concept and idea

Fantastic, love the whole concept of creating of a village to get off grid instead, as you mentioned, living in a remote area. My husband spent the better part of 40 years living in the suburbs in NJ, USA , but was fortunate enough to purchase a 10 acre piece of land in Upstate NY . Always thinking of moving off grid, grow our own food, become self sustaining but it was our four children, that kept us in NJ until we retired 3 years ago. We now have seen our dream come true.
I wish you the best with this awesome project in Portugal. Again, a village of sharing and caring for each other, just beautiful.

Yeah the kids... I thought that was well said too. That's why we want to do that dame kind of thing as what Alex is proposing in New York near Kingston. We have in mind to have around 6 families living full time in a community. We should get in touch just to talk... I haven't met toi many steemians in NY.

Congrats on your dream finally created!

Good morning, I really love the whole concept, being in a community with shared values, working together and creating a self sustaining homestead. Awesome.
Thanks for dropping by. Good luck.

Hehe thanks for the reply!

Holy crap!!! It's actually happening. Nice job manifesting the first steps Alex. I really feel a lot of excitment for you and anyone who will be pioneering this project!!!!

It is so great. I will be buying some of them tokens too for sure but, I want to be there to help build at least 3 earthships... 😁. I want to go there now aaaaahhhh!!!!!

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