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RE: Medicinal Cooking Collective Challenge: Week 3: PROBIOTICS & GUT HEALTH

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

This is right up my alley.

I did a long post on the benefits of kombucha and water kefir a short while back, which have vastly improved my health and skin condition since I started brewing them at home, and my husband Marek always makes sure to take some on the road with him.

@riverflows later repurposed it into an interview format, with my permission, and that was fun too.

She also used the water kefir grains to ferment fresh coconut milk, which she said came out delicious, and which I would also love to try, though fresh coconuts are a tad hard to come by here in Tennessee . ;-)

More recently, I did a post on how my kitten's vet was initially dismissive of my decision to forego antibiotics for her respiratory infection, in favor of the probiotics I'd been giving her since she arrived in our lives, but even he came around and agreed that "a really good probiotic like kefir" can make a difference.

And the last thing I wanted to do was to allow antibiotics to blow away her budding immune system, which I had been working so diligently to build for her.

So, since I've been wanting to do a post on milk kefir anyway, which is one of the most beneficial probiotic foods we can ferment, with its vast quantity and diversity of bacterial strains, that is the post I will be doing for this week.

Like kombucha and water kefir, milk kefir is absolutely delicious by itself, and lends its flavor to a wide array of deliciousness. I'm happy to share my own experimentations in that area, and invite everyone else to follow along and do their own experiments.

Let's have some fun with our ferments!

Even better, probiotics actually help with both diabetes and cancer, as they build the immune system which helps correct both ailments, so it sorta kinda makes up for my not having time to participate for the past couple of weeks.

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OOOooh .. i Never heard of water kefir! im already learning.. ears wide open! cant wait to read your post.. sounds very intersting! it sounds like you know a Lot about this!

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