EcoTrain QOTW: Do Emotions Dictate Our Lives, or Our Lives Dictate Our Emotions?

in #ecotrain5 years ago

When we smile, the world smiles with us, and when we frown the world concurs. This weeks Question of the week is of course another deep one, and is a great opportunity to know thy self better, and perhaps empower yourself to make YOUR world a better place.

Do our emotions dictate our lives or do our lives dictate our emotions? Discuss.

This will not be a discussion, this will be an attempt to correct people's perceptions of how the world works, so that they can see what is happening themselves.

Modern materialistic science has people believing that the universe is a machine. A cold, uncaring, machine. That B follows A. You pull lever 1 and you get a cookie. You pull lever 2 and you get doused with water.
That the cause is always in the past and the effect is always in the future.

And, it is shades of this thinking that make the semi-spiritualists ask this question.

The answer is, its soup.
Do the carrots and celery make it soup, or does the chicken? Maybe its the water?
They are all soup.

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The future paints the present on the backdrop of the past.

You are, right now, focussing on a future.

It is this future where all our emotions come from.

And our emotions are telling us how in alignment or out of alignment we are with that future.

So, do our emotions dictate our life? NO.
Does our life dictate our emotions? NO.

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Emotions are a guidance system.

Our emotions are telling us if we are going the correct way or not.
If we wish to change our emotions, we can do two things, change who we are being now, or change our future goals.

There is no physical reality when we are considering this question. What we think of as our physical world is as a projection on a screen. What matters is our vibration; what we are being right now is attracting things toward us.

If we are being a depressed person, depressing things are heading towards us.
If we are being a happy person, then joyful things are heading towards us.

These are not our emotions. These are our states of being. Our vibration. Our resonance.

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What are you attracting?

Now, what confuses people, especially in the west, is about changing what we are attracting. They think that changing your smile to a frown will change what you are attracting.

This is similar to grabbing the hands on a clock to try to change the time.

You have to change who you are being. Unfortunately this involves changing habits. Even worse, it usually involves healing old wounds. Digging deep down in your psyche and pulling up childhood horrors.

These pieces are part of the vibration that you are. And if you are here reading this, they are stopping you from attaining the future you want and the joy of this now.

If you want to attract more money into your life, you probably have to do these two things:

  1. Heal your relationship with money. Most of us had ingrained into us that "money is the root of all evil". So, better stay away from that stuff.
  2. Change your habbits. Stop thinking about and worrying about bills. Start thinking about money coming into your life.

Now, this is one of those easier said than done things.
I wish we could just read "Think and Grow Rich" and we would all change our relationship with money.

However, it is usually an iterative process. You read the book, then you do some soul searching, then you start recognizing the thoughts that keep popping up about lack of money, then you read "Rich Dad / Poor Dad" and...

And that is how it goes for each thing in your life, and thus goes the future you want to attract.

  • your future paints the present upon the backdrop of the past.
  • your emotions are telling you if you are going the correct way to that future.
  • if you wish to change your emotions, you have to change who you are being or change what future you desire.

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Image from ecotrain QOTW


Does it mean that everything is already set, that it depends on what we choose. Every action has a corresponding result.

Posted using Partiko Android

This can be a hard question to understand.

You absolutely have complete free will... however, there are many pieces of you that have inertia that will keep you going in the same direction.

Your subconscious, which you programmed, is trying to achieve the goals you set. And will continue to go thata way, until you reprogram it.

Your view of yourself could be fat and lazy, and so your subconscious hears fat and lazy and runs your body to be fat and lazy. Its like EVERYTHING in the world progresses you to be fat and lazy.

To change this, you have to change your view of yourself. "I am a slim and active person". And you have to keep visualizing this until your subconscious is reprogrammed. You also have to get into a routine of working out and eating healthier every day.

You have to do this because your body and your subconscious, both parts of you, are still heading towards fat and lazy. Although you can change your mind about where you want to go, you have to get all your pieces to go too.

That made me understand it better. Thanks for elaborating. There are certain factors that cpuld affect us reprogramming ourselves. What we have been accustomed to, what we have been taught and what others would say.

very intersting read... nice one really.. i think you may be ignoring a lot of the power and creative potential of our pure raw momentary feeling and emotions, but still you make some great points! but its so true as you say that our emotions are like messages, and if we listen to them they tell us that we are on track or not..

thanks for taking part!.

Using those (pure raw) emotions are part of changing your future desire location.
I didn't go into that much, just said it was a way to change the emotions coming your way.

But, when we do talk about changing habits and forging a new future, creating strong emotions is very good, because those lower parts of our brain (flight, fight...) are all emotion driven. I am unsure if they even understand thought. So, you imagine emotions to reprogram them

Most of these concepts are familiar to me but I'd never heard it framed in a way where our emotions are from the future. It makes a lot of sense to see it this way though.

What does one do when they need healing of their belief in their own ability to attract with intent?

I have not forgotten about your question, but it will take me longer to align words to answer it.

People mostly try to follow onnother footsteps, however they never trybyo start their own journey, it would've easy to embark something new to influence other..

Posted using Partiko Android

Vibrational soup - haha - I like that thought. :) You are so spot on about our emotions being the guidance system!! I KNOW this to be true. Thanks for a great contribution.

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I didn't do as well as i wanted describing the vibrational soup... but, se'la vie

I am glad that you liked my answer to the QOTW.

from my personal experience I would say that the mainstream wants us to believe that our emotions dictate our lives and they want to program our emotions using their occulted trauma based mind control through tv and food and news and controversy - lies piled on lies, etc - but we have a total choice in this matter - me personally, I use prayer constantly and service to others - my emotions make me feel like I want to do this or that - so I pray for the power to do the things I don't want to do that I need to do - and then esteemable actions create self-esteem - in addition I try to take care of my body - but i have to be conscious and awake and aware to not allow my physical reality to dictate my emotions - I pretty much try to follow my intuition through prayer and looking for the answer in situations around me - in addition I do not allow negative-speak - if I have to say something negative like "5G is a military weapon being used against us " I have to add to that "but with God's help, I will overcome" - I must always speak in positive statements - because - the power of the spoken word - in my head - that is what causes negative emotions - "Know Thyself" - be able to harness emotions by keeping track of thoughts and when I hear a negative thought go through my head - ask God to remove it immediately and see who I can help... even just a prayer for that homeless person flying a sign I saw yesterday - will turn my emotions to positive -

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