ecoTrain Question Of The Week: How Do You Get Out And Stay Out Of An Emotional Hole?

in #ecotrain5 years ago

How do I get out and stay out of an emotional hole? For me there is no definitive answer to this question. Holes come in different depths and at each level something helps, something not.

Reflecting on this topic, I singled out for myself 3 main things that help me overcome emotional difficulties.


The first is music.

Music for me is just a huge outlet. Anger, sadness and just a bad mood it all goes into the background when Death Metal rumbles in my ears and the worse the mood, the heavier the metal.

The second is physical activity.

Dig a trench ,chop wood, mow the grass.... Any work that requires good physical effort clears the mind perfectly. Along with sweat go away bad thoughts, and calluses give immune to any kind of emotional suffering.

The third is physical pain.

It sounds weird, but physical pain helps a lot to overcome emotional pain.

Since childhood, I was tormented by severe headaches, so severe that I just wanted to die. I ate painkillers in handfuls to such an extent that the pills have ceased to act. Now I feel much better, but I got so used to pain, that maybe somewhere, subconsciously, I miss it. An open wound, a finger broken in a fit of rage, or even just a good bruise makes the brain focus on more important things than some emotions.

Of course there are situations when these methods do not help or help weakly. In such cases, there is only one medicine - time.

This is my response to the EcoTrain Question Of The Week. "How Do You Get Out And Stay Out Of An Emotional Hole?"


oh mannnn.. mate.. my long lost brother.. im with you on all three! even the last one! actually u just helped me realise something massive! i used to , and still do, pick my toe nails to oblivion.. and my finger nails of course. I used to do it until they were really bad and hurt so much.. and i think now i get it a bit better.. so THANK YOU!

Happy to help :)

Wow - that's a bit dramatic - finds herself in a deep emotional hole so cuts her hand for a distraction...!!?? LOL. But actually you're RIGHT. The physical distraction DOES work - probably just smarter and safer to get sore muscles from 2km of laps in the pool of a brisk 10km run. LOL. :) Nice to see a new contributor posting under the #ecotrain tag and hope we'll be seeing more from you. Feel free to join us in the discord and to follow, comment on and support our other @ecotrain contributors.

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