
I love it how such a wise woman you are, and indeed it is about focus, or maybe better said: as you WANT and choose to see it all!

amazing!!I like what you write, every word, hope does not leave, thanks for sharing

Aw, this made my heart thrum. At first glance I thought it was bacalao (sp?) - portuguese salted fish. But of course it's the details of the palm. Funny - like, totally wierd - that this is what I've been focussing on too, and A LOT. Like really thinking about it. And I've notice all kinds of things I'd never noticed before - the tiny purple flowers on succulents that grow at the cliff edge by the sea when I'd only ever seen the waves. And little honey eaters when I'd only seen magpies, or grasses when I'd only see gum trees. And being near my Dad, watching every little movement of his face, thinking it'll be gone one day, and I'll miss it, and that matters more than anything right now in this moment. Once J. and I stopped focussing on the big - Obama interfering in the Middle East, Syria, child abuse in the fkin church, and all the stuff I don't want to mention - and went to the micro, we got happier. And I'm not gonna zoom out in an hurry.

I totally teared up when I saw Ploi - damn, mother love!!! You guys..... xx

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