The Thai Flower Tax

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

I paid it again today. The flower tax. Willingly. Taxes are not inevitable in Thailand and a trip to one's Thai accounting office usually starts along the lines of, "How much tax you LIKE to pay?" I'm definitely not opposed to creative tax planning - indeed, it would be financially irresponsible to my company's major Thai shareholder (my daughter Ploi, @nabithecat) if I carelessly overpaid government taxes. But the flower tax? It's a no brainer. One pays. And knowingly pays more than is required. Every. Single. Time. With pleasure.

What on earth am I even talking about? These. Flower garlands. In Thai they're called 'puong malai' พวงมาลัยดอกไม้. Sold all over Thailand, to honour the Buddha and various Deities, to show formal respect to monks, teachers and parents, or simply to make your car smell naturally wonderful while you receive a @naturalmedicine aromatherapy treatment in its purest form.

What do I normally do with them? Give them to overseas guests at the airport :) or this:

My car smells amazing. Usually in my truck I hang it over the rearview mirror, along with assorted "lucky" things which have been gifted by special people in my world to deflect the "evil eye". Do I believe they work? Only in so far as the love I feel when I am reminded of those people and connections makes me feel bulletproof and eternally connected. :)

My preference is for the ones with the long Champa flowers at the end (as opposed to the pesticide-dripping roses). Magnolia champaca, botanically. One of my favourite Thai flowers and a tree I NEED to manifest in my Thai world!! Their fragrance is heady and sensual. Champa is used to calm, relax and create safety, and is an aphrodisiac. FlowerTax7.jpg

The main body of the garland is Thai jasmine, which grows everywhere here, like a weed. Tabernaemontana divaricate botanically speaking. Jasmine lifts emotions, relieves depression, is calming and also a natural aphrodisiac.

The plastic ribbon always irks me but I appreciate that for 20 baht (USD $0.61 ) expecting a Thai silk ribbon is unreasonable. One day the ribbon is part of the "sustainable equation" I hope to begin tackling here. Personally I really love the little "lucky fish" (Chinese influence, for prosperity) crafted from banana leaf. And yes, every single garland is made by hand, by an anonymous piece-worker in a tiny house somewhere - probably a woman caring for young children.

The flower "tax collectors" wander amongst the traffic lights, mostly, offering their wares:

Yes, even in scorching 100F+ heat (fairly regular occurrence here) they are covered in as much clothing as possible:

Partly to keep their skin as white as possible (brown skin being considered lower-working class and not attractive in Asia) and partly to hide their identity. Yes, the faces are almost always covered.

Why hide their identity? In a country with 450,000 registered stateless people (and the real number officially estimated and published by the BBC recently as being closer to 3.5 million), these people are not legally allowed to work. But have sought safety and shelter from ongoing armed conflict along the Thai Burmese border. They have families. They need to eat and buy medicines and clothes and pay rent. And so many of them sell flowers.

It's a hard and dangerous job. Hot beyond belief. And dirty. The scent of flowers inevitably eclipsed for them by dangerous car emissions, which they breathe in, hour after hour.

And so I buy a garland most every day. Sometimes we feel sorry for someone clearly wilting in the heat or obviously not selling well, and we hide the one we bought 5 mins ago and buy another one. Yup. My daughter and I are total softies and proud to be that way.

In a country with no pensions, supporting parent's benefits or ways for 'illegal' people to earn money, the 'flower tax' matters.

From time to time we get opinionated overseas guests or customers who lecture us about the corrupt gangs that supposedly control these people, and who refuse to buy. These people clearly need to spend a few days or weeks with no income in a country with no welfare system to speak of. Perhaps that will karmically be their next life? I hope so.

On the days when we have more than one, we hang them in the house, on my computer, in our living space. No air fresheners or toxic incense needed.

I choose to live in a world where all people have enough to live on. And when I see that's not the case, I do what I can to help. I choose to support those brave people getting out there and doing what they need to do to feed their kids.

Apart from a lot of flower garlands, what else do I gain?

  • Free aromatherapy, day in, day out. Calming, uplifting and enhancing my sensual expression.
  • A sense of contributing to the world every day;
  • A feeling of connection with people who remember me and remember that I like the champa ones;
  • A feeling as I drive that life is GOOD and that together we can effect change;
  • A wonderful sense of abundance and beauty, which of itself lifts my spirits.

BlissednBlessed. If I pick you up at the airport, yup, you will inevitably be getting one of these. :)

So, pay the important taxes, people, and help change the world. One flower, one garland and one exotic aromatherapy treatment at a time.

Pure Thai Naturals

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Feeling appreciated. :) Much gratitude. x Resteemed.

Thank you for the resteem LOVE @elik, @farad & @smg :)

You are just the sweetest, you and P. Kindness is also a wonderful natural medicine!

Aaaw. :) Kindness is wonderful medicine and heals the giver even more quickly than the receiver. But beauty, fragrance, hope and connection are also amazing natural medicines too. "Fluffy stuff" at one level but arguably worth more than a thousand bitter herbs and remedies.

Omg! You are such a great human being @artemislives. Helping people who are trying to make a living by working hard! Btw fresh flowers with good aroma can uplift your mood to the highest levels. My office pays the flower tax for me. ;)) LOL.

I am an incredibly flawed human being, Sugandha, but simply try to do what I can to change the things that are seemingly less than perfect and placed in my path. Fresh flowers ALWAYS lift my heart and mood. That your office pays your flower tax? Very cool!! Miss Ploi @nabithatcat is my major Thai shareholder and technically-legally my boss - I'd best have a word to her, then! haha...

Didn't know about, quite interesting.

Nice to have a lot of flowers everywhere.

ALWAYS nice to be surrounded by the energy of flowers. Thank you for your ongoing support @tibra :)

It's very interesting, I'm going to Thailand in October for a few months and I'm sure that I too will become a flowers taxpayer. Thank you for the delightful story.Do you live in Chiang Mai?I have never visited Thailand before and am trying to find a better place to live! 😍😘😗😙😚🤗🤗

Thank you for showing up, @creadordelfuturo Yes, I live on the outskirts of Chiang Mai in a small village called Baan Rim Tai which is at the edge of the town of Mae Rim. A 20 min drive out of the tourist-crazy and set amongst the ricefields with a view of the mountain. Have lived in Thailand for 16 years now! :) Be in touch when you get here for coffee! And for a steem-family lunch - lots of steem people here! :)

Terrific! I'll try to find a house for rent in the area! I'm looking into Maybe you know what Internet resources to find houses in Thailand?

Mostly you find houses and apartments by locating the area you want to live, then wandering around and asking. The internet not the greatest way, although there are some Chiang Mai Real Estate groups you can and should check out on facebook. You need to think #1 about transport and what you are planning to DO here first.

I remember as a child rolling down the window and purchasing one of these puong malai during a red light. The smell is so fragrant, and they truly are works of art.

What a sweet memory! :) I love having puong malai as a part of my commute. Following you, and graateful for the support.


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