
Everybody likes this great post. Thank you

Appreciate the visit and support. :)

I am so very sorry you got hurt! I recommend that you put the herbal comfrey on your arm. I separated my right shoulder in a rear ender accident, and had surgery on it to remove damaged tissue. I suffered for 2 1/2 years, and was scheduled for a replacement surgery. Hurting too much to sleep. I put the grounds from comfrey tea in a coffee filter, and covered that on the outside with plastic (it was what I had, and you get a little crazy when you HURT) and taped it over my shoulder.

I woke up the next morning sleeping on that shoulder! I still have my original shoulder, that poultice saved me from that scheduled surgery. The original name for Comfrey was Knit Bone; and it has been used for 25 centuries to accelerate healing.

I pray you find relief! Be Blessed. :)

We don't have access to comfrey at all in Asia. The bones ARE neatly aligned, basically healed and so it's no longer a "comfrey case" (although would have been nice to have some 6 weeks ago). My bone broth, onion, beer, water and magnesium strategies have done GREAT and the cast was off after the 4th week. If it hurts too much to sleep, I simply get up and do stuff and nap another time. It IS healing and the whole point of this post is that it's about mindset. Thanks for stopping by. :)

I agree on the mindset! There are some who remain sick their entire life, after they have been healed for a long time! Sad to see, but you are on the road to mend; be blessed! :)

Agree with @smithlabs about the amazing healing comfrey. But I also understand the frustration of not being able to get your hands on those healing herbs. Like you @artemislives I would also toss the medicine "I'm like that" too! Sounds like you are doing all the right things. And I believe you will have full healing at the right time. Lovely family photo

Sorry you can Not get Comfrey! That stinks for sure; any chance you have the herbal Plantain locally? It is not as potent as Comfrey, but is more widespread, and is a vulnerary (accelerates healing) too.

Plantain: A soothing, detoxifier that also has mild antibiotic and vulnerary properties.
Best of luck! :)

@smithlabs would plantain work like the famous knit-bone? I have had amazing results with comfrey and injuries. But never known plantain to be used for similar reasons

It is not as strong as comfrey, but it is a voluminary. It is a second tier healing accelerant, but a good choice if you can't get comfrey.

We have plenty comfrey on our homestead. I plant it on the edges of all the gardens. But the plantain tip is great to know. Thank you!

After 16 years here in Asia I have stopped being frustrated and wistfully wanting most western things. There are so many equivalent - usually better! - herbs here. Things like echinacea are positively B grade next to andrographis, for example. The ONLY thing I basically get brought in from the west now is Oil of Oregano. Yes, I too believe it will heal fully. Thanks for showing up. :)

Each country has it's own incredible healing plants. We just need to get to know them. Sorry I'm not around as much. Homesteading and family demands are more important than cybering ;)

oh my! im SO happy to hear it IS improving.. yes tapping sounds good,, AS does some nice gentle massage with a good thai cream.. Get better soon dear! ;-( wow

Better every day and I commercially both produce (and personally use) enough natural hot Thai beeswax balm to make my eyes water. haha... I smell amazingly herbal most of the time now!! :) I AM incrementally better hourly and almost at the end of my first day with no taping. Tired and massaging often but mentally I am flying in leaps and bounds. The body can only follow.... :) x

Get well soon @artemislives. It's great to see your smiling faces. I still believe in this quote which is very dear to me, "No Pain, No Gain" || Accidental pain is inflicted upon you and you might ask that why this kind of pain is required? I am not gaining anything out of it, only the emotional turmoil associated with it because we get dependent on other people for doing certain tasks which we normally do like a pro. But this pain comes with a change in the mindset. You need to push yourself everyday and wait for the injury to heal properly. This will test your patience and let you know that time heals everything, literally everything. Also, it gives you a new perspective that life is unpredictable so enjoy whatever situation you are in. Thanks for sharing your learnings and thoughts with all of us. You are a power lady and you will get out of it. Mega Cheeeers :-)

Much love to you and Sugandha, Prashant. The emotional turmoil cos we have to depend on others for things we normally do like a pro? Yes. You so GET this!! The shift in mindset is everything. Grateful and smiling this Sunday morning.

Ah, but I still want to say 'poor you'. I love this post as it's a reminder of how our brains wire our bodies, and our bodies wire our brains. Our brains need to make maps of movement so that the movement can occur, but it's only through making the movement that the brain can map. So all those 'I can'ts' don't allow the 'I can's', if that makes sense. It's like certain physical actions in yoga - lift right leg from a forward fold and step back into crescent lunge without wobbling. And when you wobble, you say 'can't' - but if you approach it with 'can't yet, try again' eventually it's possible and you can't 'unlearn' it - the brain has mapped it and you're good to go. Glad you are on the mend.

Thank you for putting the terminology around it - brain mapping. I KNEW that but had not yet applied it in this context. I think I am going to start doing my physio exercises in front of a mirror, and work on symmetry! And suddenly see that the mirrors at the gym might possibly not only for narcissistic muscle bound boys. Thank you for the new channel in @naturalmedicine to contain my scribbles. :) x

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