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RE: Eco-Village Dreaming

in #ecotrain5 years ago

Who knew you had such a hippy past LOL... Enjoyed your perspectives and am savouring them slowing while I also respond.

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Aw, thanks. Yes, I have a hippy past, I'm sure that was a little hard to guess, haha. xx I still miss it a lot, but I don't miss waking up at 3 am to Joelene on repeat.

haha... I suddenly had a bad 80s flashback when you said the word "Joelene"... LOL I think I need another coffee to deal with the crap that surfaced along with that memory.

Haha the 80s flashbacks can be brutal can't they? Its why I dont do 80s revival parties lol. But actually I do really love the song, just not 300 times to the sound of people inhaling balloons and falling out of caravans.

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