We are Change

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

The @Ecotrain #QOTW "Name one small change you have made or could make to your life that would be of great benefit to the world if everyone did the same?".

In this article I will try to answer some important questions : What is Change ?, Can the world be changed? , What are the various ways in which change can be implemented?


Many famous people have spoken about change, for example Winston Churchill said,

"Not always change is like improving, but to improve you have to change".

It is a term of Latin origin that was born around 1300, when many things, though slowly, began to change in the world. " The only constant in life is change " said Buddha, and thus an initial situation of unease, can become an opportunity for change. Those who detest living in immobility always want it anyway, because it is synonymous with innovation, evolution and creativity . On the contrary, those who make the routine their point of reference, fear it because it is potentially synonymous with worsening, regression, danger. Many distinguished thinkers have talked on the subject “Change”:

" We all have dreams ... we are all convinced, in the depths of our hearts, to have some special talent, to be able to influence in a particular way on the world, to be able to touch others in a special way, to change the world for the better At some point in our existence, we all had a vision of the quality of life we ​​want and deserve, yet for many of us these dreams ended up buried under a heap of frustrations and daily habits, to the point that we no longer make effort to try to achieve them . "

Anthony Robbins

I chose to start with those quotes because in a few words it makes us review our whole life.

The moment we read the sentence that pass before our eyes all those dreams we had as children .. when we were convinced we could make a difference while we are still alive.

Then ... something happened. Slowly, slowly we became "realists" now we are paralyzed in this reality.

In this article I will not tell you to do the separate collection or install solar panels . They are all excellent actions that contribute to improving the world around us, but it is not from there that we start.

We start thinking of ourselves first.

I know it seems selfish as reasoning but it is not at all. Once a friend told me that the best way we can help the poor is by not becoming one of them, and it's true, I do not even have to explain why?

We need to improve ourselves and when we are better, improve others and the world around us will only be a consequence, a "side effect".


The steps we can take in this direction are :

Wake up, we become more Aware:
Most people sleep, even if they do not know. They are born asleep, they are asleep, they are asleep, they are getting married, children grow up in sleep and, finally, they die asleep without ever waking up. They never understand the enchantment and beauty of what we call human existence.

Life is a mystery, which means that the rational mind is not able to understand it. That's why you have to wake up, and suddenly you realize that reality is not problematic: the problem is you.

What we must do to wake up is to open the mind , to see the possibilities around us, to stop complaining, to blame the state, the crisis, etc. it's change focus, change point of view. Waking up from this nightmare where we are powerless and can not do anything ..

The world around us was made by men. Men like us ... the only thing that made them different was an open mind and an unshakable trust.


We become more Responsible:
Before I said not to complain anymore and not to blame true? .. Exact why complain and blame means de- responsibility , means throw away all our personal power and put it in the hands of those who know what to do. This mentality frustrates us, limits us and makes us powerless.

If it's not my fault, if it's not my responsibility, then I automatically can not do anything about it.

Becoming responsible does not mean taking the blame we do not have, but knowing that we have the responsibility and the power to change things.

If a thunderbolt destroys your house, it is obvious that it is not our fault, but it is our responsibility to find a way to repair the house, otherwise our children will die of cold.

As soon as I accept to be responsible for my world and focus on this and I know what I have to do, the possibilities start to show up.


We become more grateful. The more we are grateful the richer we are!

A hundred times a day I remind myself that my inner and outer life is based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must strive to the utmost to give the same degree as I received.

Not bad as an example of the power of gratitude and how it can make us capable of changing the real world?

Being grateful for what we already have leads us to see, moreover, that we are not so impotent , poor and unlucky, and that something in our lives and in our world is good.

It reminds us of all those times we thought we could not do it and ... we did it!

It helps us to be more good and grateful both with the world and with ourselves.

Once we overcome these blocks we can move on to something more practical and talk about ...

I have not said anything new, these are things that most of us already know. We just have to start walking :)!


There is nothing that we can not achieve, we are very intelligent human beings, we must put aside negative thoughts and move forward, walk forward

Like in our religion teach us that God will not change about another before ourself have effort to change our life.
Thanks for sharing @afifa
Regards fr indonesian steemit community
Nice to follow you and happy ramadhan mubarak

Good article.

This is excellent! Especially the bit on responsibility which is crucial. I see a lot of people who refuse to take responsibility for their lives. If we become aware only to blame others, we miss out big time.

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