We Are Going To See A Huge Crisis That Will Bring Down Currencies & Governments: James Wesley Rawles

in #economy7 years ago

James expertise is primarily in retreat security, food storage, firearms, communications, first aid, and off-grid power systems. James is a former U.S. Army Intelligence officer and is the owner and creator of survivalblog.com. In this interview James discusses the economy, the debt problem in the US and around the world. The crisis that is approaching the US will freeze up the credit markets, strangle the currencies and bring down the government. James talks about Universal Basic Income on how this will only improve the economy in the short run but in the long run it collapse the economy. The crypocurrency market is a growing market but James says that the governments around the world are going to try to regulate the market and take control of it. James believes that the central bankers are still trying to bring us to war and that everyone will need to be prepared for the economic collapse.


I've followed this gentleman for several years. He is a man to be listened to and taken seriously. He is a man I respect.

Great interview! I have one of his prepper books. He knows his stuff. Thanks!

The empty cities in china will serve to house a flood of hard working, intelligent, and productive immigrant's from the west. See the west import's unproductive and degenerate people who have no wish to contribute to society but rather to destroy it. To leach, rape rob and pillage. The west will become the third world. China has invested dollars they know to be worthless and built infrastructure with it, let me repeat they took something with zero value and turned it in to awesome infrastructure that will serve them for 100+ years. Genius. Their debt wont implode they could care less about fiat currency they know will go to zero, and they will be able to pick up the best and brightest from the west for an absolute rock bottom price, (What ever it cost in worthless fiat paper=0)Genius. People with skill and talent will beg to get in. Let me be clear I don't refer to all immigrant's as degenerate. The west was built on immigration and every body flooding in to China will be immigrant's. However immigration is not anything close to what it used to be. They still call it immigration but it is really the importation of the bottom of the barrel as opposed to the immigration of the cream. "Immigrants" have become a commodity to western governments and no one wants to pay more for a commodity than they have to, and ya always get what ya pay for. Those cities in China are not just a project to keep people working in an attempt to mask a crumbling economy. Those cities are a result of amazing foresight by the Chinese. Imagine how inviting China will look when they have the infrastructure to actually take in millions of people with very little disruption to the way of life of it's citizen's. China could have spent trillion's, quadrillions what does it matter? What is a billion if it wont buy a loaf of bread. If you think of fiat as a store of value than I see how some one could look at what China spent and say wow, however when you start to look at fiat in terms of its value you see that the amount spent(billions, trillions, googleplexes)compared to what they will get in return it doesn't matter 0xinfinity is 0. Tides are shifting from the west to the east. Securing one's self a spot in one of those empty cities would be another amazing instance of foresight.

Good interview. have not heard his opinion on cryptos until now.

I've listened to interviews with Mr. Rawles before. His experience as a MI Officer is evident via his realistic "based on facts" analysis and possible courses of action on how the scenario can play out. I think he follows the Army staffing process for his analysis (one thing is PMESII-PT; an acronym for different subjects used to cover operational variables in an operating environment) and has even "war gamed" scenarios. Very impressive.

Wonderful interview as always. At this time with so much starting to hit the fan its always a must watch to see James Wesley Rawles interviews. Thanks