The Last Stage Of Popping The Bubbles Has Begun, It's Only A Matter Of Time - Episode 1299a

in #economy7 years ago

Macy's issues warning that profits are declining. Bankruptcies for consumers and businesses are on the rise, looks like 2008 all over again. Nancy Pelosi says she is going to put up a fight over the debt ceiling. Financial media now convincing millennials this is the time to invest. The market is rising and its time to put your money into the market. This is how bubbles pop. The central bankers don't know what else to do but to hand out money to the people and hope they will spend it in the economy. When this happens, we will see inflation and the debt will grow astronomically and then collapse, it's a no win situation


We are almost there. Been following X22 for 3 years now

Since the London Bridge attack, on June 3rd, we have seen lies and misinformation from the main stream media, on a level we have never seen In this country. These media outlets, controlled by the Rothschild bankers, have been perpetuating fear and deception on the British people, with dramatic news coverage, which more resembles something like the television series 24, featuring Keither Sutherand.

What most people won't realize, Is that all of this propaganda Is to take our freedoms away, clamping down on Internet freedom and maybe even more worryingly used as an excuse, pretense, to Invade Syria and start World War 3. Please anyone reading this, please take the time to read the whole article and ask yourself who benefits from this so called terrorist event?

The corrupt UK government Is now going to regulate the visible Internet, how can the regulation of the Internet, protect anyone. There Is no way any terrorist or criminal, with a brain cell, would communicate via the visible web. They would use paper and couriers or a tor browser, they would go on the dark net and use encrypted email to remain hidden. The people peddling this BS, of regulation of the Internet, the Rothschild Cabal, the UK government, the BBC, Sky News and all the other completely corrupt UK mainstream media. They are lying, they are acting against the British people, they are all complicit In treason against this country and the British people. The real agenda of all of this Is to shut people down, who are telling the truth and make YouTube channels or website video producers obtain an OFCOM license, basically complete censorship. Because once someones under that sort of control and regulation they are banned from talking about a multitude of subjects. If they do speak Inconvenient truths, about these corrupt elites, they will be heavily fined or just taken off the air.

What truths am I talking about, the real reason for all of this Is to stop people, like myself, exposing the Rothschild's, who worship the Talmud. People who are Involved In pedophilia, the sort of people who supported and covered up for Edward Heath who was a pedophile, the people who, along with the BBC, protected Jimmy Savile.
This article will be hard for some people to read, but I'm not going to hold back because soon the visible net, most people use, will be completely censored. So It's now or never, people need to know exactly the level of evil that has been going on. These Rothschild criminals through the FED, which they own and run, with the Bush family they caused both world wars and through Presscott Bush funded Adolf Hitler. They along with the PNAC group and the Rockefeller family, through Israeli Intelligence, Instigated 911, resulting In the following Patriot Act and the mass surveillance of US citizens, and all the wars that have followed. They've supported the Influx of Islamic Sunni Wahhabists, who worship the prophet Muhammad, they follow the later part of the Koran, where Muhammad preaches terror and Jihad for the sole purpose of forcing non Muslims to convert to Islam. Muhammad also consummated his marriage with a nine year old girl, this Is something the Rothschild's also believe and practice, as the Talmud they follow allows sex with nine year olds.

Both Islamic Sharia Law and the Zionist Jews, who follow the Talmud, believe that non Muslims, Kuffar, which Is a highly derogatory Arabic term, or In the case of the Zionists, non Jews, Goyim as they call us, they think of us as pretty much nothing In their eyes. It Is Important to make clear, I'm speaking out against people who follow the Talmud, which fortunately Is a small percentage of Jews, I have nothing against the average Jewish person, most Jews are against Zionism. But the Rothschild bloodline, that run the UK, live by the Talmud and, to them, one of them Is equal to thousands of Goyim, non Jews. This Is why, Sunni, Islamic pedophile gangs have been protected In the UK, because the people above the UK government, the criminal Rothschild Cabal and the highest levels of the UK government are Involved In pedophilia.

Like many prominent researchers have said, watch the reaction, by the government, to these attacks. By understanding the response and the reaction, It gives you a clue to, A: who benefits from these events like London Bridge Attack? B: who might actually be responsible for them. So their solution Is to lets completely censor the Internet stop people speaking out about the Truth of what Is really going on and who Is really behind what we see. Now we are not just talking about pedophilia but like the ex CIA agent, Robert David Steele talks about on his website, we're talking about ritual child sacrifice and the drinking of adrenalized human blood, mainly of children. When I first heard about this, I used to not listen, I used to change the website or the YouTube channel, why, because this Is hard to hear, It's evil It's satanic and that's where this comes from.

So now we have Theresa May, the latest spokesperson for these demons, announcing that custodial sentences and less serious offences for terrorism, which will quite literally mean people like myself, or people speaking uncomfortable truths, exposing these elites for the luciferians they are. For calling them out, people like Theresa May and the like for what they are, funders of ISIS, backers of the most oppressive countries In the world Saudi Arabia and the mass slaughter of children In Yemen using British arms. The same prime minister, directed by the Rothschild Cabal, who perverts the course of justice In the historic sex abuse inquiry, by appointing judges that are friends with the accused Leon Brittan. The Truth Is the UK government Is a mask, controlled by and used to protect the mass pedophilia and child sacrifice perpetrated by these evil, satanic Rothschild Zionists, who are directly aligned with the luciferian Vatican.

Im so glad all my favorate peeple are on steem!!! Great work!

Dave, it is getting close to go time!

Student loans are the big bubble, set to burst at any second.

I think the debt ceiling will be eventually raised before any default occurs. With that being said, any suspense over it could pop these bubbles. These markets are so fragile at such high valuations.

Hi Dave, I wanted to send you this song for your listening pleasure

Dave, I think most of your conclusions r correct. That doesn't mean Trump knows what he's doing, but he's dam sure the guy to do it.

Awesome report as always, Dave...thank you!

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