Proposals For More Stimulus To Individuals In The U.S.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #economy4 years ago

Could we be seeing a bit of a change in mindset?

Thus far, as a result of the coronavirus, we saw a great deal of stimulus offered by both the Fed and Congress. Unfortunately, for those individuals who are suffering, not much of the money is coming their way.


One of the most direct payouts was the $1,200 check that is in the process of being sent to each individual. While this is helpful to many, it is not nearly enough. In certain sections of the country, this is not even going to cover a week's worth of expenses.

There is also the unemployment guidelines set by one of the bills. The challenge with this is the fact that states handle this and they do not have the money to pay that out.

Of course, there were hundreds of billions that went into the bank's coffers. Much of that money will never see the light of day, only making the banks some money as they shore up their excessive reserve fund.

A couple of newer proposals being tossed out. They are both a long way from law and, neither is likely to pass anytime soon.

One has every adult in the United States, 16 or older, being paid $2,000 a month for the duration of the coronavirus. This is being proposed as a way to help families while the virus runs its course.

The second is for rents and mortgage payments to be eliminated for a year. This will be funded through HUD and could give families the breathing room they need.

So far, nothing is going to be pushed very hard since the idea is to reopen the economy starting May 1st. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that anything returns to anything close to a normal pace anytime soon.

In fact, do not be surprised that is we are at the start of a multi-year depression that surpasses the Great Depression in the 1930s.

We are looking at a very bad situation. The global economy is in dire straits and few political leaders truly understand it. They are so corrupt while being tied to their ideology, they will do anything to cater to the agenda that enriches them. The only thing that matters is the expansion of their power.

And through all this, a couple thousand dollars a month seems outrageous when the elite are cleaning up.

Anyone want some government bonds?


I thinkbworld leaders understand what is happening, they just aren't ready to admit. Reality doesn't win elections.

Elections, these days, are won by offering the most (bribes) during the campaign.

It becomes a contest of who can give away the farm the fastest.

Voters are looking to be paid off.

Even with this crisis is possible to pass through and get better before the start of this mess.

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