in #economy7 years ago (edited)

by SGT,

Mitch Feierstein returns to SGT report with an urgent warning, get ready for the free fall collapse. "We are in a euphoric bubble blow off top."

Mitch explains: "I've been talking about the Swiss national bank intervening in the equities markets along with the European central bank buying corporate bonds, which allows companies to buy their stocks back, which pushes the markets even higher, inflating the bubbles. It's a bubble machine. How could anything go wrong in an environment like this when you have unlimited money printing going on? Bad things happen when you print money."

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Diversify into different assets, crypto, precious metals

Don't forget bullets!

yes, it's not your unless you can protect it

Agreed, and do your best to hold your private keys (with crypto) and consider physical ownership of your precious metals.

Everyone holding more than a few crypto coin are liable to see a day when their coin value is over a million in terms of fiat. They had better be thinking NOW how they will capture (recognize, collect) this paper gain.

Wealthy people are used to moving large amounts of fiat. Poor and middle class folks are not.

spot on dj. PHYSICAL precious metals.

Our Reality!!!


I want something to happen and scared about it at the same time.

Any collapse in traditional markets will increase the value of cryptos, gold and art.

Cryptos especially because they have the potential to immediately step in and replace liquid currency.

If a major currency disappeared tomorrow with a few downloaded apps the people could carry on trading with any number of alt coins.

Thank YOU for stopping by Steemit@SGTreport :)

when the market crash everyone will run to crypto and Bitcoin​ will be skyrocket

Interesting point! But what makes you think that? If people sell in a market "crash", they mostly panic and want to hold the "safest" asset which is cash. So if the stock/bond/commodity markets crash it's definitely also a possibility that the flight to cash will cause the crypto markets to crash too... (just look at gold during and AFTER the GFC)
best regards!

The next crash will not be the stock market but a SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS, governments will be broke and unable to borrow, limited ATM withdrawals closed banks etc.
Cyprus was a test case to see what would happen, that is coming to the world, most likely sometime in 2018 unless they can stall the crash a little longer but not forever.

when that thing happen all transaction​ using Bitcoin​ will be awsome

if the demand is high the price will skyrocket remember the John McAfee he is bullish for 3 year 500000usd per bitcoin​ not me saying John McAfee the founder of Mcafee antivirus

Diversify assets and everything will be ok. Cryptos are still under the radar but I believe as things crash money will be moving to save themselves and then cryptos and precious metals will soar.

the boom - bust is just like life itself. boom when you are young, high prices to join once you mature, and bust when you get old. But don't worry about the burst bubble, Nathan Rothschild said " Buy when blood is on the streets, even if the blood is your own."

sell all the stock market now

I am hopping to land safely from all these bubbles :( ... but everybody say it will be very hard.

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