Federal Reserve Starts QE (Quantitative Easing) Round 4

in #economy5 years ago (edited)

Sadly, @silverreport has stopped posting to Steem, but his video blogs are often incredibly informative and timely.

As a silver bug myself, I try to keep myself up to date and keep up with the blogs of other silver bugs.

I claim no rights to his content, but in this case I feel compelled to share @silverreport's video here on Steem if he no longer is motivated to. This is a one-off thing, I have no plans of plagiarizing or stealing someone else's work on a regular basis. Whatever his reason for getting out of Steem, it's none of my business. While I personally see where Steem is headed and think anyone selling Steem right now is utterly insane, I'm not going to waste my breath trying to convince others of an outcome that might happen.

But onto the important material. Most of the video is unrelated to the title of this post, but I think it's better in this case if I simply paste the video here and let you watch it, instead of me parroting.

The Federal Reserve moving into QE4 would confirm my own analysis of a September squeeze. But, buying up bad debt doesn't mean a burned out market is suddenly going to be snorting lines of Federal Reserve fairy dust and getting back on the easy credit bandwagon. People have mouths to feed and the future to worry about, and as more people buckle up for the long haul, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It is however incorrect to think that everyone preparing for a recession is the cause of a recession. Believe me, it takes a lot of evidence to convince your average person that it's time to tighten up the old belt, especially when everything finally seems to be doing ok. It's my opinion that you can warn people of impending danger until you're blue in the face, but until they see it for themselves and understand, you're just spinning tires. when consumers start buckling in, its clear to me that they have assessed their own situation and realize internally that some rainy times are coming and they need to start preparing.

I personally would love for things to keep going as they are for another 6-12 months, especially the price of silver, but given the extreme manipulation of precious metals over the past half decade or more that is coming to an end, I doubt silver and gold are going to stay at their current prices. I personally expect Silver to peak between 150-$200 within the next few years, that is if the US dollar survives in it's current form for that long. It probably will survive for a very long time, but it's worth adding a caveat anyway.

If nothing else, stock up on dry and canned foods if you can, or start mapping out the nearest food banks and soup kitchens, because the only thing worse than your currency losing all of it's perceived value, is a credit freeze that ricochets around the globe and leaves even the wealthy digging through boxes for something to trade for food. Even silver coins, which I love just holding and inspecting, may or may not have a fair trading value during a really bad period where no one has any liquidity. Don't get me wrong, I like gold, but silver seems to run in my blood.

A soon to be very popular way for people to get out of really bad debt situations is debt restructuring. People who are in debt and can't possibly pay everything back can negotiate with debtors through an agent to agree to shrinking the debt by 70-80% or even more so that you can pay it off monthly or all at once. Those who are owed money would rather get 20% of it back than nothing. This restructuring also works well with student loans, as you cannot default on them but you can renegotiate what you owe and what your payments are, and once a restructuring agreement is signed, you could win the lottery tomorrow and those you owe money to cannot change the agreement, even student loans.

Thank you for reading. Shares and Comments are always welcome. This blog is as much for me as it is for others. It is my way to practice free writing and honing my own thought processes. Take everything I say with a grain of salt; I don't offer expertise or advice, only my opinion.

Stay safe.


I remember trying to bring him to Steemit before he joined, but never really saw a lot of upvotes for his videos.. I tried resteeming his posts but not sure what happened.. Maybe if he would've posted to d.tube that could've helped.

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