But Who's Going to Pay for It?

in #economy5 years ago (edited)

The Title of this post is one of the most uttered phrases whenever the topic of healthcare, education or other public services are brought up in discussion. Yet, few people realize that their tax dollars do not fund these things any longer.

Take a look at this Dow Jones Index in the US Stock Market. Who's going to pay for it?

Now take a look at the 11x rise of the Nasdaq since 2005. Who's paying for this?

Now obviously, these charts don't represent real tangible wealth, but rather they represent the future of the US Dollar and where it's purchasing power is headed.

The ultra wealthy in the USA are telling the poor that they need to pay for it, because after all you don't want communism, do you? Seems like the masses are suckers if they think they already aren't working their lives away to feed these people at the top.

Even worse, the 99% in the US no longer have any real control over who gets nominated for political positions, elected or unelected. Trump in 2015-2016 billionaire'd his way into the Republican party, and now Bloomberg is Billionairing his way into the Democratic nomination. Bernie sanders isn't popular with the common person because they want socialism; he's popular because Americans no longer know how to protest, and are also far too dependent on a system that is designed to drain them.

The rest of the world is protesting in the streets, but in North America we silently take it in the rear because nobody has a voice anymore unless its part of the extreme right or left, and everyone else is silenced for their lack of "take-a-side-ism."

I'm not suggesting people protest or make a stink, because when the time comes there will be no motivation needed. But it's likely that that anger will be diverted once more through war or proxy wars. While the most wealthy at the top play the same game they've been playing for millennia (aka rob the poor to feed the rich), they employ whatever tactic to divert the blame toward a bunch of ism's that people can blame. The right blame socialism while the left blame a capitalism that has become thoroughly corrupt, yet the real enemy is the rich robbing the poor through whatever mechanism works best.

Just recently, the Trump administration announced plans to give taxpayers a break if they put some of their income into the stock market.

via @rtd

My question is this: When are Americans going to wake the **** up and recognize the real problem? Will the protests begin after it's too late? If we look back to 2008-2009 we have our answer already. Occupy Wall St. did nothing because the US Dept of Justice gave all the top bankers immunity, and a licence to keep repeating 2008 all over again, with bigger and bigger bubbles.

The US is in the largest asset bubble in history, and the longest running. It's not organic, and not something to be proud of. If you're playing poker against someone who has a chip making machine, you've already lost. The Federal Reserve is that player, and you cannot bet against them, nor against any central bank.

The only thing you can do is accumulate metals and whatever assets that are not currently being pumped with rapid inflation, and have the patience and fortitude to survive until that hyper-inflation of the financial markets pours over into the real economy. When that happens is anyone's guess. At our current trajectory the US dollar could very well be worth 10% of it's current value within the next 5-10 years, and that's not an exaggeration.

The economies around the world are moving towards a system where you will own nothing of value, and if you do the system will slowly squeeze your wealth out of you through wealth tax or because you need to cash out that wealth to survive. In the end, the real wealth that is created by the bottom 99% will end up in the hands of the ultra wealthy.

All of this is just inevitable, but the timeline is uncertain. If you can't feel the strain of the current economic bubble around the globe, I envy you. This one is big, bigger than the end of the roaring 20's and it doesn't seem to be finished yet. But, if you can hang onto your wealth and see it through to the other side of the implosion, you'll be very well off.

More millionaires were created during the depression than during any other time in modern history. Why? because hard assets will correct back up to their real value afterwards. An ounce of silver should be able to buy an expensive suit, and an ounce of gold should be able to buy an acre of land. They don't right now, but they will once again, very likely within my lifetime.

So squirrel away that wealth in a safe place and learn to live like your ancestors did during the great depression of the 1930's. You may think that sounds silly now, but you'd be walking on clouds in the future if you do. The current economic system has reached its end, and all asset markets are manic. It's so obvious I shouldn't have to say it.

The only question left is: so who's going to pay for it, and how? In the past the price was paid with blood via war, famine, plague and poverty. Will this time be different?

If people at the bottom are smart they will be financially conservative in their own lives while pushing for more social and liberal policy from their government. Because guess what? that's what the ultra wealthy do, and they are currently bleeding the rest of us dry doing it.

Thanks for stopping by.


The banks are creating $30 - 50 billion in debt and using it to buy stocks each day. The USG owes that debt, and will collect taxes to pay for it. The wage earners in America - you and me - are on the hook for those taxes, so the debt pumped into the stock market which becomes capital gains for the investor class is taken from our wages as taxes.

It's theft by fraud on a grand scale.

Don't pay it.


@tipu curate

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