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RE: This market correction was just a tip of the iceberg & Steemit awesome indicator

You stated: "The central banks are making a call to take control of the cryptocurrency market."
What do you mean by that? Are you saying that the central bankers are taking control over them entirely? And this means Crytpos are going to be worthless?
What kind of "Reset" are you thinking they want to do? And why would they want to bring it down so hard and fast? And why would they want to give us a teaser...why not just do it?

Great stuff. Loved the article and the work you put in. Thanks


Well, the petro-dollar system is dying pretty fast and central banks need something to hold on to. Cryptocurrency system is where governments without the central banks can basically create their own coin, issue it and say this is the currency of the country and this would be a people's currency. This is what the central bankers don't want. Central bankers are not taking control of cryptocurrencies entirely, but they are pretty much lying to the media how every cryptocurrency is fake, but in reality, they are high trading with most of them. That's their game. Most countries are moving away from the US dollar. The central bankers issue one dollar and people need a dollar 25 to give back to them. The 25 cents doesn't exist yet. The 25 cents represents interest. So the central banks create more currency and the government's borrow it and this game goes on, puts government's the people into debt and the central bankers take control. That's why banks (bankers) don't like cryptocurrencies as they are now. Why would they want to bring it down so hard and fast? Every financial crisis has a lot of reasons, why it happens in first place. It does not just happen out of the blue sky. From 2008 up until today...most stocks on the market were not funded by people any more, but by banks or by company repurchasing its own stocks. Do you think banks and company owners will wait for days or months when 30 year bond bubble bursts, or when hyper-inflation gets to the west? Or when housing bubble bursts (again)... If you ask me, that will happen in few hours max. Bankers in wall street are already making millions in one tenth of a second. Dow Jones was worth half of its price for 2/10 of a second two days ago. And in that time I assume they had high puts...silver/gold and stocks are moving in the same direction many times....Oh yeah, there is a lot of crime in a trade market

What Reset are you thinking? I.E. a different currency, coinage, new USD, Fedcoin, etc?

There are few ideas out there and actually one of them is in beta function. It is called "Treasury dollars". Since then the Fed has been very active on COMEX again. With CB’s and market players buying massive amounts, it’s the only logical explanation for stalling bullion. The fall of COMEX and the fall of the Dollar are basically an evil twin, they will happen simultaneously and because of each other. Jeff Berwick is talking about Special drawing rights currency...

Treasury Dollars...kind of like US coinage becoming the currency and the Notes being expelled? With an Exec Order?

Right. If there was an exec order, I didn't check. About SDR you can check here SDR (if you want to know where did all the money go in 2008-2009, just watch the video) But you can see, that bonds are really overheated, even more than stocks. Sellof is happening in bond-market and the same time! The only thing that is worth to have at this moment, are real silver or gold, few cryptocurrencies (not altcoins), and maybe a peace of land. Those are things that will keep it's price or even get way higher.

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