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RE: The War On The Middle Class

in #economics7 years ago

Sadly, conquerors and dominators are looked upon as "good" and certainly taught that way in public and private indoctrination centers. Columbus, conquistadors, Rhodes, and many other dominators who has power are revered.

We even have the Rhodes Scholars for the man who was king of raping African resources. Rhodes is such a great guy!

"Alexander the Great" who tried to conquer all of the known world at that time...

Outsource everything, and then be dependent on others to obtain that. It's a good plan to create dependency on various state powers leading to a one world unification where we can all "get along" and operate like one peaceful country, so we don't need to keep business at home. They want us to buy into the NWO dream of peace and go along with that plan. They want different areas for different things (Barnett's Pentagons New Map) so that you need to comply with regulatory legislation, fees, registrations, etc. in order to get the things you need for your business.

It's a dastardly plot of complexity and multi-generational that few people can think it possible or accept it's implementation. Some people say this is just a causal result of our self-interest and selfish motivations to maximize profits. That may be one large factor, but there is more concerted cooperation to bring about an end-game that makes it more conspiratorial than simply an outcome of greed.


Good that you brought up Rhodes (and wonderful to hear from you again). he's one of the founders of Tavistock Inst. the driving force behind the globalist brainwashing apparatus. I tried to stay away from that facet and focus on the cause & effect to the middle class in this piece. I did a series on Tavistock and one Raping Africa- about 10 episodes each... they show what I believe in total. (Pretty much at least)

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