The Beauty of Free Markets; The Insanity of the State

in #economics6 years ago (edited)


Don’t want to pay for war? Then don’t pay for it.

Want to start your own business? Do it.

Want to trade currencies, commodities, or precious metals with a friend? Go ahead.

Want to sell homemade cookies in your neighborhood? Get on it.

Want to start a micro-economy? A trade network? Go for it.

Want to compete to provide the best service to customers using your individual talents, knowledge, and skills? What are you waiting for?



Don’t want to pay for war? Sorry, we will kill you if you don’t.

Want to start your own business? Sure! Just as long as we approve your idea, you pay the applicable fees, and fill out mountains of paperwork asking for permission. We reserve the magical “right” to reject your request.

Want to trade currencies, commodities, or precious metals with a friend? Go ahead, as long as it is all state-approved, and you pay us a large percentage.

Want to sell homemade cookies in your neighborhood? Do you have permission from us? If not, we will put you in a cage.

Want to start a micro-economy? A trade network? Stop right there. What kind of money are you using? If it’s not approved by us, we will put you in a cage.

Want to compete to provide the best service to customers using your individual talents, knowledge, and skills? What are you selling? If it is something illegal, like cannabis oil to treat seizures in children, we will cage you, and kill you if you resist.

This is some caveman shit, y’all. Rules and guidelines for various societies should be based on something real, like individual self-ownership, sound economics, and property. Not on magical thinking. What magical thinking, you ask? The insane belief that certain individuals, because they identify as “the state” have greater human rights than you.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


"You are free to do as you're told."
People LOVE to vote for stuff, it is fair, it is Democratic. The only reason people ever want to vote for stuff is to get the power of "gang force" to make some individual bend to some group's will.

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Want to compete to provide the best service to customers using your individual talents, knowlege, and skills? What are you waiting for?.
It should be knowledge instead of knowlege.

You’ve finally been of service to me, you annoying little Nazi.

Imagine people actually did, you know - just do it?
How cool would that be?
It's the only way to live in my opinion (and probably yours, I think).

It's not difficult, once you dispel the ingrained fear of state approval.

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