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RE: Universal Basic Income Program

in #economics7 years ago (edited)

A truly horrible concept. It is not income - it is an enslavement tool - for if he government/state on which one would depend determines who lives, dies, has energy, gets an extra perk for, let's say, do a certain deed...or has a perk removed from self or their family/friends for non compliance of an edict... In short: a criminal enterprise cloaked as a benevolent entity.

No thanks. I value liberty.
No up-vote - but a reblog to encourage discussion.

-ch @globocop


Can you please explain why do you feel it's an enslavement tool? You don't have to give anything in return to the is just a basic income for the poor so that they can at least afford to buy bread 2 times in a day...I don't see anything wrong in that...there has to be some support mechanism in place for the needy people...if you have a better idea please enlighten us.

Hello vj, I think I made a case above.

The state is never benevolent. It is self serving, for it creates nothing but exists off the creativity and labor of the governed. It is not naiive to assume that the state wouldn't want anything in return. This is surely how they'd sell total dependence.

Poor people are not helped by hand-outs. Poor people are helped by empowerment. The release of technology, for example, that would lower the tax burden and lower living cost. This technology, and again, that's just one example, is controlled by the Powers That Should Not Be to control a population.

Just a look at the inscription at the Georgia_Guidestones gives an idea of what these people are really about. Not saving lives and reduce poverty - they could do this right now.

No basic income. It's not an income. It is a dependency payment.

All the best

-ch @globocop

This is why I like to write about topics which encourages constructive and healthy discussions...I agree to your point that people shouldn't be dependent on state rather they should be empowered and self dependent...but at the same time the tax that government levies should be put into use in some constructive projects.

PS: @globocop looking forward to more such insightful discussions...following your blog :)

Thanks for the follow vj. Before deciding what to do with taxes levied on the governed, one would want to determine the legality of the majority of taxes.

However, I agree with your point: any taxation should be used to the empowerment of the producers and value creators. However, this is against the inherent nature of the state...

Back to the UBI - it's a false song of benefit. Dependency never benefits the dependent. Especially not in a FIAT system, where money is created out of thin air.

It has no value in and on itself, for is not based on anything tangible such as gold.

Furthermore the fiat is multiplied through debt creation. Essentially, banks are lending money that they don't have against interest: Fiat. Under this corrupt and criminal system there is always more debt than money - yet - the 1% hold 99% of the wealth. Where does their wealth come from?

What does that make you and I?

And as always when we investigate we ask: Qui bono?

-ch @globocop

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