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RE: Why Bitcoin’s Fixed Supply is Problematic - According to Yanis Varoufakis

in #economics6 years ago

fascinating subject. I always find it interesting that economists seem to completely ignore ecologists. The natural systems and cycles are the greater environment in which all of our valuation games take place. scarce resources with alternate applications - yet which are the real boundries and will printing more currency help if we break through them?


Explain what you mean to me a bit more. You're saying that if there is no natural environment to extract raw materials from, then there will be no economy whatsoever?

But does Bitcoin help attention turn to environmental matters? I would say no difference as it's still driven by profit?

In nature the conditions that define the relationships are intrinsic, so it is self regulating.
Our world is nature, but with layers of synthetic control
this alters the relationships in unknowable ways.
Once we mess with the natural flows and cycles,
we become a bit like the magicians apprentice
It just what we do, its not good or bad
It is real
I see crypto as the possibility of surrendering control to pre-assigned computer code.
This de centralisation is mimicking nature
Bio mimikry is our greatest work
simply because it flow nicely
it is graceful in that
it uses the least amount of force, and therefore can remain at least partly open to sensing and self correcting based upon reality rather than a central dogma.

So long as we defer to a set of synthetic inflexible "rules"
we are not in relationship with nature - you know that place where reality takes place lol..

Anyhow, your super smart, I think you get it :)
thanks for your question, it made me question my own stupid assumptions lol..

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