Corbyn Won't Help The Homeless - But He'll Take Your Money

in #economics6 years ago (edited)

I'm used to saying 'different problems, same solution', however, in this instance, 'same problem, same solution' seems more apt.

Mr. Corbyn plays the role of tired politician we have watched draped over the mainstream media (MM) for decades. He's courageously decided to use the money taken from everyone at gunpoint (your tax) to buy houses for a few thousand people:

j corbyn hero.jpg

The shine off this brilliant solution is soon dimmed when we read the next line in the article:

'The Labour leader also said he would give new powers to local authorities in order to seize properties that are “deliberately” kept empty as he hit out at luxury tower blocks sold off to overseas investors. '

Once he's solved one problem (how to give people something for nothing) through armed robbery, he will go onto solve the next ('balancing the budget') with outright theft, 'overseas investors' being suitably vague and remote for easy plunder.

public funds.jpg

Giving people something for nothing has never been a solution to any problem long term and housing is no exception.


People do not value or take pride in something that has just been given to them.

So, I hear you say, how to solve the housing crisis? Get together and help people to build houses. Just don't ask for 'planning permission' before you do it.

Watch this if you need inspiration.

tear down home.jpg

It won't be long before Corbyn/May's [insert favorite politician name] mind controlled minions come along to tear it down but at least you'll be able to more clearly see where the problem really lies (within the Statist system of coercion) ...

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