Approaches to the Definition of Money: Which Category does Cryptocurrency belong to?

in #economics7 years ago (edited)

Money generally embodies currency notes and coins held as cash in-hand or chequable deposits with banks. The definition of money remains controversial: money can be defined in terms of its function (that is money can be defined as what money does) or in legal terms anything declared as money by the state is money. Money as a concept is defined as any commodity that is generally accepted as a medium of exchange and a measure of value. With the emergence of several forms of money and money substitutes in form of assets it is necessary to define what should constitute money. 

Will discuss four approaches to the definition of money.

1. Conventional approach: this approach emphasises the basic function of money which is the medium of exchange and measure of value function. It defines money as any commodity that is generally acceptable and used commonly in settling of debts obligation at a particular place & time. This definition means that money is confined to a geographical area and its concept is relevant at a particular point in time. The total supply of money consists of coins, currencies and demand deposits. It is often called the narrow definition of money or M1

2. Empirical approach: it is an extension of the conventional approach with the inclusion of time deposits with commercial banks. The rationale is based on the store of value function of money, any asset capable of serving as a temporary abode of purchasing power is considered as money. Such assets are durable with no depreciation over time and is liquid in nature. Time deposits can be like savings account with the commercial bank or fixed deposit account: fixed for a period of time with interest payable at maturity. This is know as the broad definition or money or M2

3. Gurley Shaw approach: this approach defines money supply as the weighted sum of money, demand deposits of financial institutions and all deposits and claims against the non-bank financial intermediaries. It is an extension of the empirical approach. The basic argument anchors on the substitutability and liquidity of the assets involved. Since both banking and non-banking financial institution do create credits capable of serving as liquid assets, therefore claims against the latter should be part of the money stock. Such assets includes, insurance reserve, pension funds. An asset is qualified for inclusion depending on the degree of liquidity. This is called M3

4. The central bank Approach: this definition is rather broad since central bank are entrusted with the task of controlling and regulation of credit in accordance with the need of the economy. Here money supply constitutes currency plus liquid or realized assets which are perfect or near perfect liquidity and are easily converted into cash. Also the total credit both from commercial banks and other sources are considered depending on the objective of monetary policy and policy targets. CBN uses the M1 and M2 definition of money. 

Now what is cryptocurrency and can it be said to be a form/type of money? Can cryptocurrency serve as a medium of exchange, store of value, Standard for deferred payment, unit of account? which are the core functions of money?. Money is anything generally acceptable to both parties. Are cryptocurrencies generally acceptable? Money has characteristics like scarcity, divisibility, homogeneity, durability, portability etc. Does cryptocurrency have this same characteristics? 

What approach does cryptocurrency fall under in the definition of money? M1, M2 or M3? What is the sole purpose of cryptocurrency? Is a debate. Anyone with the best answer gets a tip from the post payout.

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I agree with point number 1. The reason is money as a medium of exchange. Currently cryptocurency is money. yes, digital money can buy anything from it. Money efficiency is value. more late digital gold at any time the price may change @evelyniroh

Cryptocurrency falls into the fifth approach that you didn't mention which combine the other four approaches you mentioned.

Cryptocurrency are a new type of money that uses cryptographic to program the creation and distribution of coins.

Cryptocurrencies are also the future of money and as long as the internet remains, cryptocurrency will thrive to replace other type of money we currently spend.

This might take a long time to happen, but I have no doubt that it will surely happen.

Cryptocurrencies are embeded with all the functions of money and even with new functions that money suppose to have, but didn't.

Lol, is this fifth approach propounded by you? Or its proven?

Both dear

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I dont understand what you mean mam

Yes I am the girl but why?

Now a days cryptocurrency has became the most popular thing it is being popular day by day and now everyone know that by the way very informative post thanks for sharing the information on cryptocurrency on steemit and thanks for bringing the information to us.

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