Thoughts on Money, Taxes, Automation, Minimum Wage, and Job Guarantee Proposals

in #economics6 years ago (edited)


Why We Should NOT Balance the Budget

Here is why conservative proposals to cut deficits are idiotic: Conservatives assume that money is a commodity, originally corresponding to gold used as a medium of exchange. This is both currently, and historically, inaccurate. Money originated as, and continues to be, a system of credits or IOUs.

Use of precious metals as money emerged when warring city-states invaded and plundered neighboring communities. They would steal the gold and silver; the king would melt down the metals and coin them to divide up the booty among the soldiers. They would then demand that the conquered subjects pay taxes in these new coins, which would create a demand for the soldiers' coins, allowing them to trade the coins for goods and services. This is how governments created market systems where trade rather than gift-economy type communism was the norm.

But, prior to metallic money and robust markets, money was already a thing—it just wasn't a nigh universal medium of exchange and most people could actually go their whole lives without ever using it. Money was a unit of accounting and a credit (i.e. a debt or IOU). We know this from archaeological and anthropological research. Fiat or debt-based currency systems were the original and the norm. Even when metals began being used as money, it was still a debt-based or IOU system. The metal was simply a token or credit. Once you understand this, you can easily understand why "balancing the budget," "being fiscally conservative," and "reducing deficits" is completely idiotic! Public finances are not like private finances!

Every dollar is an IOU from the government, a credit token. It is a credit (asset to the consumer) that functions as a liability to the State. We pay taxes in government money because the money is the IOU that the government first gave us—it's the IOU that gives us a claim on government services. That being said, if every dollar is an IOU from the government, it follows that every single dollar is also a debt. All private assets in the form of dollars correspond to public liabilities in the form of debt. The only way you can possibly pay off the debt is to collect back every dollar, every IOU, and thereby destroy the entire monetary system. To truly balance the budget and pay off government debt would be to abolish the market system.

If the economy grows and there is an increase in real wealth, the State must issue more money to represent that new wealth (if it doesn't, there will be a deflationary depression with high unemployment and rampant poverty). If real wealth decreases, it may need to contract the money supply by raising taxes—this will help stabilize price levels. At the same time, it can print more money and invest it in productive purposes in order to stimulate the economy and increase real wealth. As long as the new money printed actually goes to productive purposes and increases real wealth, it will not cause inflation or devaluation of the currency. Printing new money only devalues currency if the money is used for non-productive purposes. For instance, if government printed money for a universal basic income or for funding universal healthcare, it would cause inflation. So these programs have to be funded by taxation or redistribution. If that money is used to make society more productive, say through a job guarantee program or by investing in automation technology, then no inflation will occur so long as the the amount printed does not outrun the increased productivity.

Conservatives simply don't understand economics, which is why they are literally destroying America. The extent to which you pay off public debt is the extent to which you destroy money or contract the money supply, which means you shrink the economy, decrease production, and raise the unemployment rate because the aggregate money supply will no longer be sufficient to allow for full-employment without massive downward redistribution (which conservatives also oppose).

Why We Should Want Excessively High Tax Rates at the Top

When the top tax rates are high, it penalizes excessive accumulation and makes the marginal cost of raising wages for low-income workers greater than the benefit of raising wages for executives and high-income earners. Consequently, when the U.S. had high rates of 70% income tax on the top bracket, wages for low-income workers tended to increase gradually as GDP and profits rose. Since the tax rate on the top bracket was cut, wages have stagnated and haven't risen at all. In fact, wages have fallen in real terms because they were outrun by inflation! GDP has risen, as have corporate profits, but all the new wealth has accumulated into the hands of stockholders and CEOs, as low tax rates at the top mean that money is better spent at raising wages of top-earners than it is for raising wages of low-income employees.

Suppose I am an executive at a company with 10 employees, all earning minimum wage. Let's also assume that I am already in the top tax bracket and earn $500,000 a year after taxes. Let's assume that the top bracket is taxed at 90%. That's not historically unprecedented in the U.S., by the way. After all of the expenses, assuming there is no easy way to invest the remainder in automation or other things, I am left with $100,000 more in profit this year than the prior year. If I increase my own income, it will be taxed at 90% which means that I have two options: I can raise my own salary $10,000 (since $90,000 of the $100,000 would be taxed away were I to try to pocket it all) or I can give each of my employees an additional $10,000. I know that raising the wages of my employees by $10,000 per year will boost morale, thereby increasing productivity and guaranteeing that my workers will neither strike nor seek employment elsewhere. Consequently, I will weigh the costs and benefits and decide that it is better to give my employees a raise than it is to give myself a raise, since 90% of my spending will be for naught if I pay myself.

Insofar as conservatives want to lower taxes for the wealthy and top income earners, they guarantee that wages will continue to be low and that working people will suffer. There's a wealth of statistics and data, shared in my previous posts, that proves this. Average wages only increase when you have highly progressive taxation (i.e. when the wealthy pay much higher rates than the poor and working classes below them).

Robots Are Coming For Our Jobs

These are things that have recently been automated by pizza places in America:
—Making pizzas, automated by 3D Chef robots
—Cashiers, replaced by iPads
—Pizza delivery, automated by Starship Technologies using robots to deliver pizzas (currently taking place in DC and San Francisco)

They also have robot baristas that can make coffee, and they do it better than human baristas! And the delivery robots can be used to deliver parcels and other things. Estonia already has delivery robots for its postal service. Amazon has explored the idea of delivering packages via drones.

Every aspect of the fast food industry can be automated. Once automated, each pizza or burger joint will only need a single employee. As workers push for higher wages, the push for $15 minimum wage, the cost of automation will become cheaper than the cost of paying workers.

We also have self-driving cars, which get into far fewer accidents than human drivers since they do not get distracted. Taxis, Uber, and semi-truck transportation are all due to be automated within the next 30 years.

We are on the edge of a Jetsons’ economy, where automation takes care of the work. The internal combustion engine was introduced in 1869. Within 34 years, powered air flight was accomplished. In 1856, Pasteur began his research into fermentation and germs, which led to the discovery of vaccines and proved that germs cause diseases. Anthrax and Smallpox were eradicated from the industrialized world as a result. Human progress now moves exponentially. We were introduced to the internet in 1990, now it is essential for communication, education, and news.

The reality is that we don't live in the 1980s and Reaganomic conservative economic policies are not in touch with the times. 40 percent of U.S. jobs are expected to be automated within the next 15 years without being replaced by other jobs. Unemployment is permanent, and it will just increase from here. We can either let everyone starve, or we can explore "far left" ideas like universal basic income and federal job guarantee programs. A society with a 50% unemployment rate will collapse without basic income!

The old conservatives will just fiddle while Rome burns. We need progressives that will implement policies that make the continuation of modern civilization possible. Ideally, I would like to see a universal basic income funded by land value tax alongside highly progressive income taxes. People earning less than $100,000 per year should pay 0% income tax, and tax rates should progressively rise from there up.

Less Radical Reform Proposals

Here's an idea. Instead of raising the national minimum wage, let's require all employers to pay something like BAH and BAS to their employees.

Currently, workers are pushing for $15 minimum wage. Such a change would incentivize employers to start automating more, leading to more unemployment. Many workers will find that they won the fight for $15 minimum wage only to find themselves unemployed. Personally, I would prefer more automation, but not unless we are all given a universal basic income to live on. When robots take the jobs, you need to pay the folks that can't find jobs. Since we don't have a basic income yet that can serve as a safety net to catch the displaced workers, I propose that we don't increase the federal minimum wage, but simply mandate that employers pay BAH and BAS like the military does. Soldiers get a Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) and a Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS), which theoretically covers the necessities and ensures that they receive a living wage. BAH rates vary based on locality, marital status, and number of dependents. BAS is based on the national average cost of food. How it works is like this: soldiers earn their Basic Pay, but that is supplemented by BAH, BAS, and some other benefits. (Currently, there is a proposal to eliminate BAH, BAQ, and BAS and replace them all with a single locality allowance.)

I don't want ordinary civilian payrolls in the private sector to be as complicated as military pay, but it would be good to have it be more like military pay in some ways. Each employee should receive a basic pay, something at or above the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. Then, they should also receive a supplemental Living Wage Allowance. This allowance should cover the average cost of housing and food in the given locality. Small business that don't make enough profits to afford to pay the Living Wage Allowance should be able to petition the government for a waiver, allowing the employer to opt out and, in turn, the federal government should pay the Living Wage Allowance for such businesses and employers, thereby creating a sort of minimum income guarantee (not to be confused with basic income guarantee) for all working people.

Now, personally, I would prefer a universal basic income. However, in the absence of a basic income guarantee, I would argue that we are morally obligated to guarantee all workers a living wage and to guarantee that all people can find work. If we do not guarantee a universal basic income to all people, then we are morally obligated to guarantee that all people can find employment at wages sufficient to live on. Currently, we have high unemployment. People can't find work or can't find good enough work (work that pays well enough) to live on. If we do not give a universal basic income, then we ought to give a guaranteed minimum income. An alternative to a formal minimum income guarantee would be a job guarantee program (or other measure to guarantee full-employment) alongside a living wage guarantee. This would function as a minimum income guarantee of sorts.

The government can restore full-employment in a number of ways: it could do so through a Federal Job Guarantee program or it could reduce the number of hours in the workweek and adjust the minimum wage by a corresponding amount. Let's assume that an employer has three workers each earning $7.25 an hour. Currently, the workers collectively do 120 hours of work each week. Suppose the State cuts full-time hours down from 40 hours per week to 30 hours per week, making overtime pay at time-and-a-half kick in sooner. Then, the minimum wage is raised from $7.25 per hour to $9.67 per hour, so that income of workers stays the same. Now the employer has the same number of employees, still paying them the same amount of money, yet he loses 10 hours of labor from each worker every week, meaning a total loss of 30 hours of labor from his three employees combined. The employer still has 120 hours of work that needs to be done. So, he now has two options: he can pay overtime to have existing employees do that work or he can hire a new full-time employee. If he wants his current employees to work overtime to cover that lost 30 hours, he must spend $19.34 per hour or $2,320.80 per month to cover overtime pay. It would be much cheaper for him to just hire a new employee at $9.67 per hour or $1,160.40 per month. Thus, the change in full-time hours and minimum wage discussed here would induce employers to pick up one new employee for every three existing employees. Adjusting full-time hours and adjusting minimum wage would be just as effective at bringing about full employment as a job guarantee program could be. Let’s suppose that some small businesses don't earn sufficient profits to be able to afford to pay an additional employee the minimum wage. Well, then we let that employer apply for a special subsidy for small businesses, which says that the State will pay the wages for 1 out of every 4 employees provided that the business does have 1 additional employee for every 3 existing prior to the change. Alternatively, the State could invest in infrastructure and create new jobs by spending on that. This would be the job guarantee route. Either way, full-employment would emerge.

(Now, the numbers I used in this example are those needed to restore full-employment if the unemployment rate is 25%. Since the unemployment rate is actually closer to 5%, the necessary adjustment would actually be much smaller, as it would only need to induce employers to hire one new worker for every 20 existing workers, rather than needing 1 for every 3 as in the scenario above.)

Now, you may think that government paying subsidies and allowances for employees of small businesses that can't afford to pay the workers a living wage would be too expensive, but consider this: full-employment would be restored. All unemployment would be short-lived and transitional, meaning Unemployment Benefits would serve as a safety net in the interim. Most means-tested welfare measures, then, can be eliminated. The permanently unemployed would be covered by Disability Benefits. We could give everyone a guaranteed minimum income, without having to increase revenue at all! We'd actually save money because we could do away with inefficient means-tested welfare programs.

Let me be clear, I think that such a conservative MMTer approach would actually be more of a bandaid than a solution. Eventually, all jobs will be automated. Eventually, it will be impossible to maintain full-employment no matter what the State does. At that point, there will be only two options: universal basic income or full-communism. I think the basic income route is the more libertarian of the two options.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this one great to see your post after a long time :)

Are you seriously defending our monetary system that is a major contributor to the inequality?

Inflation takes away the poor mans savings and gives them to the rich that have access to inflation neutral forms of investment.

The national debt is owned by the rich. And they demand that we pay them interest for it from our taxes. And it does not stop there, a new child is born with a burden of debt that is has to pay back over its future lifespan to support the people that own this debt.

And as you say the monetary system is based not only on debt, but on ever expanding debt. The whole system is beyond saving and it is a true gift that we have bitcoin to leave.

Printing money doesn't always devalue currency. During a deflationary period (say when outsourcing and cheap foreign labor cause prices to drop and dollar increases in value) prices can be stabilized by printing more money, so that deflation and inflation balance out. No value is necessarily stolen from anyone. Inflation can be confiscatory, but it doesn't have to be.

I agree that existing arrangements are highly unequal, which is why I advocate redistribution through a geo-libertarian land value tax, alongside cap & trade and highly progressive income tax. And I'm not exactly defending existing money arrangements, I'm acknowledging the fact that balancing the budget under existing monetary arrangements would destroy the economy and make everyone poor. I'm interested in monetary reform (social credit, mutual banking, and MMTer sovereign money proposals intrigue me).

Bitcoin is terrible as a currency. It's value is so unstable that it cannot be used for accounting. If you want to write up an employment contract or rental agreement, you can't use Bitcoin. You can pay in Bitcoin, sure, but you still have to fall back on dollars or some other stable currency for accounting. The agreement might say, "I'll pay so-and-so $15 worth of BTC per hour." But nobody would be dumb enough to say "I'll pay 0.002 BTC per hour" because that isn't a stable number to measure by. Bitcoin works as a currency only within a system where other more stable currencies exist alongside it. It's got its own version of a socialist calculation problem: Bitcoin has to utilize prices of other currencies in order for individuals to plan their lives, just like socialist economies have to look at prices in non-socialist societies in order to do any planning.

You can print money and that is fine. An example would be stellar lumens where an inflation pool is controlled by code. Giving that power to people is dangerous.

Bitcoin is terrible now, but given more acceptance it will stabilise. And at some point one will no longer compute the value of bitcoin in $. And if we want we can also mint a smartcoin backed in btc tracking the price of bread.

Can you explain to me how more acceptance will cause Bitcoin price to stabilize? Bitcoin fluctuates in value because it is unregulated and used for speculative investment. If it was regulated, so that any increase in value was counteracted by printing more money, then speculation would stop since people would see there is no money in it. Only regulated currencies have stable price levels.

I dont think that is true at all.

Bitcoin fluctuates because it is new and highly speculative. If it ever reaches mass adoption then it will be worth about 100-1000x more than today (measured in current usd buying power). At that point the market cap is so huge that individual actors will have little weight. Its easy to pump and dump some small stocks, but large ones are hard to manipulate.

Bitcoin fluctuates because it is growing rapidly and the future is very uncertain. Once growth is stable and the future is safe it will become much less volatile.

It will be less volatile, yes, but not have a stable price level. You'll still have fluctuations that make it hard to value things in BTC.

You should read "A Tract on Monetary Reform" by John Maynard Keynes. Also, maybe check out "Debt" by David Graeber and "Why Minsky Matters" by L. Randall Wray.

In the end it is just psychology. If people believe that one bread is 10 satoshi, then they are not changing that every day. And then 1 sat is just worth 1/10th bread.

Also governments dont make price levels stable on short scales. Their policies are first benefiting them and second lagging behind the markets. In essence they grow money supply roughly with economic productivity.

But that is a steady and slow change. Predictable changes can be factored into the interest rates. It is always argued that deflationary currencies are bad for economy. But that is not a bug it is a feature. Finally we can get rid of the idea of infinite growth on a finite planet and unnecessary growth just for the sake of it.

Read Irving Fisher and/or Milton Friedman, on why deflation is bad. And, for the record, deflation and inflation are both bad. Deflation is often worse.

Wonderful idea . it's a valuable information sir .awesome post
Thank you for sharing your post.

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