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RE: The War On The Middle Class

in #economics7 years ago

Typically, global corporations have been exporting jobs overseas seeking "cheap labor to maximize profits for the shareholders."

And into prisons using what you mentioned "prison labor" right under our noses. This can even out compete outsourcing to other countries.

I think you are onto something. It is sad that they have us so dumbed down and receptive to propaganda that often the nails for middle classes' coffin are placed by middle class themselves endorsing movements and ideas that if they truly spent time studying them they wouldn't endorse at all.

The best thing the globalist can do is keep us all making decisions based upon purely emotional and short term memory reasons.

Good post, as I assumed would be the case. Resteemed.


Privatized prisons are a bad idea in the first place.

Anything done by the State should be done by the State...theoretically responsible to the voters...and not by contractors.

Having worked at a company that processed EBT transactions for Texas, I saw growth complex meet crony capitalism head-on.

Once company split into four companies over the course of time; eventually, while the number of workers require to do the job remained, the number of executives, program managers, HR drones, and other "corporate parasite" jobs exploded; raising the costs of the program for the State.

Yes, and to be clear. I agree with @richq11's post completely. I even agree with "Buy American". Pointing out the consourcing/insourcing that is in the prison slave labor complex just happens to be one of the windmills I like to tilt at. So he used one of the phrases that makes me want to add the caveat that there can be some bad cases for "Buy American" and most of society is totally unaware these things are even happening. So my statement was purely about awareness of this issue and was not intended to hijack @richq11's post.

I don't think you did ;> (maybe I did ;> privatization of State functions is one of my many pet peeves!))

Your comment added value to Rich's discussion because the loss of any job affects the middle class; it's also part of the pattern of job loss

So we have the leftists, who bragged about their plans to do exactly this to America, and we have the globalists, who get rich doing this, and we have the corruptocrats, for whom no bribe is too small regardless of ideology.

People get too worked up trying to fix an exact blame on which cause is primary, instead of fighting the policies that have these bad effects, and the specific individuals pushing those policies.

Thanks, my friend! I'm afraid nobody will wake up until it's too late. I keep seeing "Buy American" which is a wonderful idea... the problem is nobody can afford anything except Walmart!

"Buy American" which is a wonderful idea...

Inmate labor is still technically "American" so because that is an increasing form of product and service production that amounts to basically slave labor "Buy American" is not a good thing if that is how the product is made. :(

I know... That's not the buy American I was talking about. I'm talking about the one that creates value added. That's the foundation of building and sustaining a middle class.

Yes. I know what you were talking about. I wasn't attempting to attack what you were saying. I was simply adding something I try to bring to awareness these days because it appears to be very hidden from the public. "Buy American" is not a good thing if it is being fueled by slave labor and people imprisoned for victimless crimes. I realize some inmates are there with good reason. I also realize hard labor is a good thing. Yet a couple of decades ago it started moving away from hard labor and into an ever increasing number of products and services. At the same time the products and services they would go into business in would eventually result in some types of businesses no longer being viable for people trying to do them outside of prisons. They couldn't compete. Many of them didn't even know why they couldn't compete. Their market simply dried up.

So when I hear "Made in America" or "Buy American" I too want people to be purchasing American products. I simply do not want it to be the products manufactured by the prisons. That is no better, and perhaps even worse than out sourcing to other countries as it gives motivations for enslaving more people with victimless crimes. Prison jobs as far as I am concerned should be the jobs no one else wants to do.

You got that right! Over 60% of prisoners are there for victimless crimes- a lot of them for pot because of mandatory sentencing.

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