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RE: Why Is Latin America Undeveloped?

in #economics6 years ago

They were and are populists, you can go review any speech, too, I know very well everything Chavez and Maduro said and they didn't do it because they were just lies. In the case of Argentina, the government undoubtedly did things "decently"... In the short term, this article is talked about objectively about the good and bad things Kirchnerism did in Argentina. Then there are renowned economists like Javier Milei, who always explains with facts why Kirchnerism was a disaster and even the worst government in Argentine history.

In the case of Macri, he applied a gradualist model that, just like the model of Christina, was Keynesian. In Argentine history, all the gradualist models went wrong and this, together with the crisis left by Kirchnerism, caused this impact.... This is what happens when all your politicians are thieving idiots who know nothing about economics. There's an interesting book about the crisis

The problem with all these populist thieves is that besides lying and stealing they are SOCIALISTS. I'll tell you what, one person can't improve the lives of millions, this makes you dependent and a parasite. Gold doesn't feed people. And "public works" are paid for with tax money, that is, with money stolen from people. Applauding a government for doing construction and building infrastructure with tax money is like applauding an ATM for giving you your money.

Thinking in the short term and not in the long term causes disasters, social problems such as criminality, lack of culture, etc... They cause disasters. There is nothing good about improving the lives of millions' at the cost of making the lives of millions' worse off, just as there is nothing good about appealing to feelings and populism to gain power and then being corrupt. I'm sorry, but it's reality.


"Applauding a government for doing construction and building infrastructure with tax money is like applauding an ATM for giving you your money."

This goes for Corporations and Agencies alike. Applauding a rock is about as effective.

Yup, Corps and Agencies are in this "bag" too xD.

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