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RE: Effects of Fascism and Racism in Africa

in #economics8 years ago

Every race has adapted to a different climate and therefore adopted different lifestyles and customs that maximized fitness in their perspective climate. Interfering with this evolutionary process by introducing the customs of another race has had the predictable but perhaps unintended effect of creating poverty, misery, disease, and internal strife.

The best way to help Africa is to leave it alone. Cut all aid - both from governments and private charities - and let natural selection run its course.


There are not many races. Only one. Human. Ethnic groups yes. Races? Not at all. It was made up by europeans to further promote white supremacy. This is fact.

Then why is that the only thing leftists talk about aside from transvestites? It seems to me everyone intuitively recognizes race until its inconvenient for them. Besides my point wasn't that race exists; that was just something I mentioned off hand. I could have replaced the word race with peoples and it still would have made sense. My point was that charity is sometimes harmful to the people it is intended to help.

You referred to evolution, not cultural adaptation. You condemn charity with a prejudicial assumption that Africans are equivalent to addicts. Then you try to backpedal through sophistry. Nice try.

Cultures themselves are the result of evolution so yes. And I wasn't comparing Africans to addicts. I used the example of giving money to the homeless as a similar instance of when charity is actually harmful to its recipient. The only sophistry here is you claiming to know my intentions. Unless you can read minds I have no choice but to assume you're full of shit.

I read what you wrote. Don't be trying to shift the blame. If you want to give an example of harmful charity, you could point to foreign aid funds being funneled to warlord war chests, or to food aid that cripples the local agricultural market. Those would be a foundation for a valid and meaningful conversation. You did not do that. Instead you played word games to avoid responsibility for what you actually wrote.

Government aid is merely the redistribution of stolen wealth, and as such should be eliminated in all cases. However, private charity is a blessing and should never be forbidden. To forbid it would be trespass and usurpation.

Your racist interpretation of cultural differences is repugnant. Take that garbage elsewhere.

lol are you one of those left-libertarians? The word 'racist' has been rendered meaningless by people like you who apply it haphazardly to anyone who disagrees with them. I never said that private charity should be forbidden, but its not always a blessing and should be looked down upon in some cases. Case in point: giving money to a homeless person will often simply reinforce a substance abuse habit that keeps them homeless. Blind altruism is a vice.

So you're a racist and a sophist. Thanks for clarifying your disinterest in serious discussion.

Ironic that you would call me a sophist when your argument is an ad hominem - in other words NOT AN ARGUMENT. Try again. Try harder.

The term "racist" has not lost its meaning when applied to people who exhibit actual racist ideology, especially when they try to couch it in a cloak of liberty.

You remain a disingenuous sophist instead of a presenter of rational argument. This observation carries far more weight than your own question of, "Are you one of those left-libertarians?" You set the tune. Now dance. Analysis of your public behavior is not an ad hominem.

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