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RE: Washington DC’s War Against Mexico

Our, so called, humanitarian aid to poor "african" countries is in the same vein as what we did to mexico.

Send in cheaper food products, and make sure that no farmers can even start to farm. Who can compete with free?

And, along with those totalitarian dictator like govern-cements over there, they love it. Love to control the population by controlling the food source. With a bunch of little farmers, you can't control anything without a huge army of bureaucrats.

  1. Take money from the poor people in rich countries
  2. Give that money to rich people in poor countries
  3. Encourage those beneficiaries to buy arms and other goods from rich people in rich countries
  4. Give so much "free" food to poor people in poor countries that their economy collapses further still and no domestic agriculture can function
  5. Claim to be helping poor people in poor countries
  6. Call anyone who questions this process a racist hatemonger who supports warlords

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