100 Articles on Austrian Economics Curated Publications List

in #economics6 years ago

Austrian Economics is a kind of economics philosophy pioneered by Carl Menger at the University of Vienna. He studied political economy and published “Principles of Economics” in 1871 which became the foundation for this school of thought; the full text of his publication is available online here: https://mises.org/library/principles-economics.

Cryptocurrencies follow much of the thought of this framework with independent coin supplies built into the algorithms, non-permissioned blockchains for worldwide access, transaction costs and security and rewards from this issued to miners and participants (in proof of stake), and open market competition without set exchange rates.

Fundamentally, Menger described how the value of money originates not in issuers through contracts or law, but rather within a market economy. This is is contrast with Keynesian economics followed by nation states and central banks. Cryptoeconomics includes many of the fundamental principles of Austrian economics in their algorithms and approaches.

  1. "Prior knowledge and the discovery of entrepreneurial opportunities". S Shane. 2000. pubsonline.informs.org Organization science. 4329 cites.
  2. "Clusters and knowledge: local buzz, global pipelines and the process of knowledge creation". H Bathelt, A Malmberg.... 2004. journals.sagepub.com Progress in human .... 4091 cites.
  3. "The rhetoric of economics". DN McCloskey. 1998. *books.google.com *. 3747 cites.
  4. "Entrepreneurial discovery and the competitive market process: An Austrian approach". IM Kirzner. 1997. JSTOR Journal of economic Literature. 3651 cites.
  5. "Perception, opportunity, and profit". IM Kirzner. 1979. *mises.org *. 2861 cites.
  6. "International entrepreneurship: the intersection of two research paths". PP McDougall, BM Oviatt. 2000. amj.aom.org Academy of management Journal. 1727 cites.
  7. "Competition as a discovery procedure". MS Snow. 2002. Springer Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics. 1657 cites.
  8. "Integrating variable risk preferences, trust, and transaction cost economics". TH Chiles, JF McMackin. 1996. amr.aom.org Academy of management review. 1341 cites.
  9. "The economics of time and ignorance". GP O'Driscoll, MJ Rizzo, RW Garrison. 1996. *Psychology Press *. 1164 cites.
  10. "Is Free-Market Environmentalism "Mainstream"?". TL Anderson, JS Shaw. 2000. Taylor & Francis The Social Studies. 1152 cites.
  11. "Institutions in economics: the old and the new institutionalism". M Rutherford. 1996. *books.google.com *. 1116 cites.
  12. "A process model of entrepreneurial venture creation". MP Bhave. 1994. Elsevier Journal of business venturing. 1083 cites.
  13. "The resource-based view: A review and assessment of its critiques". J Kraaijenbrink, JC Spender.... 2010. journals.sagepub.com Journal of .... 942 cites.
  14. "The resource-advantage theory of competition: dynamics, path dependencies, and evolutionary dimensions". SD Hunt, RM Morgan. 1996. JSTOR The Journal of marketing. 920 cites.
  15. "The "Austrian" school of strategy". R Jacobson. 1992. amr.aom.org Academy of management review. 798 cites.
  16. "The meaning of market process: Essays in the development of modern Austrian economics". IM Kirzner. 1996. *books.google.com *. 770 cites.
  17. "The role of competitive action in market share erosion and industry dethronement: A study of industry leaders and challengers". WJ Ferrier, KG Smith, CM Grimm. 1999. amj.aom.org Academy of management journal. 741 cites.
  18. "Innovation as newness: what is new, how new, and new to whom?". JA Johannessen, B Olsen.... 2001. emeraldinsight.com European Journal of .... 737 cites.
  19. "Innovation, learning and industrial organisation". B Nooteboom. 1999. academic.oup.com Cambridge Journal of economics. 589 cites.
  20. "Power and prosperity". M Olson. 2002. mises.net Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics. 580 cites.
  21. "The economics of strategic opportunity". J Denrell, C Fang, SG Winter. 2003. Wiley Online Library Strategic Management Journal. 554 cites.
  22. "The concept of "opportunity" in entrepreneurship research: Past accomplishments and future challenges". JC Short, DJ Ketchen Jr, CL Shook.... 2010. journals.sagepub.com Journal of .... 525 cites.
  23. "Creativity and/or alertness: A reconsideration of the Schumpeterian entrepreneur". IM Kirzner. 1999. Springer The Review of Austrian Economics. 518 cites.
  24. "Rivalry and central planning: the socialist calculation debate reconsidered". D Lavoie. 1985. *Cambridge University Press *. 499 cites.
  25. "Austrian economics in America: The migration of a tradition". KI Vaughn. 1998. *books.google.com *. 475 cites.
  26. "International handbook of local and regional government". A Norton. 1994. elgaronline.com Aldershot, England. 475 cites.
  27. ""Austrian" and industrial organization perspectives on firm-level competitive activity and performance". G Young, KG Smith, CM Grimm. 1996. pubsonline.informs.org Organization Science. 469 cites.
  28. "Austrian Philosophy. The Legacy of Franz Brentano". B Smith. 1994. *philpapers.org *. 443 cites.
  29. "The vote motive". G Tullock. 2006. *Institute of Economic Affairs *. 432 cites.
  30. "From Mises to Shackle: an essay on Austrian economics and the kaleidic society". LM Lachmann. 1976. JSTOR Journal of economic literature. 426 cites.
  31. "Entrepreneurship and economic growth". RG Holcombe. 1998. Springer Quarterly journal of Austrian economics. 422 cites.
  32. "The resource-based view and economics". A Lockett, S Thompson. 2001. journals.sagepub.com Journal of management. 360 cites.
  33. "Opportunity discovery, entrepreneurial action, and economic organization". PG Klein. 2008. Wiley Online Library Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. 351 cites.
  34. "Industrial economics: issues and perspectives". PR Ferguson, G Ferguson. 1994. *books.google.com *. 347 cites.
  35. "Entrepreneur". JA Schumpeter, MC Becker.... 2003. emeraldinsight.com Austrian Economics and .... 337 cites.
  36. "The alert and creative entrepreneur: A clarification". IM Kirzner. 2009. Springer Small Business Economics. 333 cites.
  37. "Entrepreneurship, subjectivism, and the resource‐based view: toward a new synthesis". NJ Foss, PG Klein, YY Kor.... 2008. Wiley Online Library Strategic .... 324 cites.
  38. "The politics and philosophy of economics: Marxians, Keynesians and Austrians". TW Hutchison. 1981. *sidalc.net *. 308 cites.
  39. "The'new'institutional economics". R Langlois. 1994. ideas.repec.org Chapters. 294 cites.
  40. "Institutional economics: surveying the 'old'and the 'new'". GM Hodgson. 1993. Wiley Online Library Metroeconomica. 294 cites.
  41. "The present state of institutional economics". WJ Samuels. 1995. academic.oup.com Cambridge Journal of Economics. 289 cites.
  42. "Entrepreneurship and development: Cause or consequence?". PJ Boettke, CJ Coyne. 2003. emeraldinsight.com Austrian economics and .... 286 cites.
  43. "Research joint ventures". Y Caloghirou, S Ioannides.... 2003. Wiley Online Library Journal of Economic .... 285 cites.
  44. "Foundations of Modern Austrian Economics". EG Dolan. 1976. *agris.fao.org *. 282 cites.
  45. "Discovery, capitalism, and distributive justice". IM Kirzner. 1989. direct.mises.org Oxford. 275 cites.
  46. "New directions in economic methodology". R Backhouse. 1994. *books.google.com *. 273 cites.
  47. "What is an entrepreneurial opportunity?". JS McMullen, LA Plummer, ZJ Acs. 2007. Springer Small Business Economics. 272 cites.
  48. "The methodology of macroeconomic thought". SC Dow. 1996. ideas.repec.org Books. 271 cites.
  49. "The informational basis of entrepreneurial discovery". JO Fiet. 1996. Springer Small business economics. 271 cites.
  50. "Beyond creative destruction and entrepreneurial discovery: A radical Austrian approach to entrepreneurship". TH Chiles, AC Bluedorn, VK Gupta. 2007. journals.sagepub.com Organization Studies. 260 cites.
  51. "Uncertainty, discovery, and human action: A study of the entrepreneurial profile in the Misesian system". IM Kirzner. 1982. *na *. 253 cites.
  52. "Towards an interdisciplinary theory of entrepreneurship". S Ripsas. 1998. Springer Small Business Economics. 246 cites.
  53. "The role of networking alliances in information acquisition and its implications for new product performance". PH Soh. 2003. Elsevier Journal of Business Venturing. 240 cites.
  54. "A theory of the theory of public goods". RG Holcombe. 1997. Springer The Review of Austrian Economics. 240 cites.
  55. "Austrian Economics". IM Kirzner. 2000. Springer Austrian Economics: Tensions and New Directions. 234 cites.
  56. "Critical realism in economics: Development and debate". S Fleetwood. 1999. *books.google.com *. 233 cites.
  57. "The origins of entrepreneurial opportunities". RG Holcombe. 2003. Springer The Review of Austrian Economics. 232 cites.
  58. "Direct democracy matters for economic performance: an empirical investigation". LP Feld, MR Savioz. 1997. Wiley Online Library Kyklos. 230 cites.
  59. "Toward a theory of public entrepreneurship". PG Klein, JT Mahoney, AM McGahan.... 2010. Wiley Online Library European .... 229 cites.
  60. "Recent developments in the economics of entrepreneurship". M Minniti, M Lévesque. 2008. *Elsevier *. 226 cites.
  61. "The analytical foundations of evolutionary economics: from biological analogy to economic self-organization". J Foster. 1997. Elsevier Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. 222 cites.
  62. "Elgar companion to neo-Schumpeterian economics". H Hanusch, A Pyka. 2007. *books.google.com *. 217 cites.
  63. "Mises and Hayek dehomogenized". JT Salerno. 1993. Springer The Review of Austrian Economics. 212 cites.
  64. "The Elgar companion to Austrian economics". PJ Boettke. 1998. *books.google.com *. 209 cites.
  65. "Economics and hermeneutics". D Lavoie. 2005. *books.google.com *. 207 cites.
  66. "The importance of industry structure for the determination of firm profitability: A neo‐Austrian perspective". CWL Hill, DL Deeds. 1996. Wiley Online Library Journal of Management Studies. 207 cites.
  67. "Entrepreneurial alertness and discovery". TFL Yu. 2001. Springer The Review of Austrian Economics. 206 cites.
  68. "Where did economics go wrong? Modern economics as a flight from reality". PJ Boettke. 1997. Taylor & Francis Critical Review. 196 cites.
  69. "Risk and rationality in entrepreneurial processes". KD Miller. 2007. Wiley Online Library Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. 191 cites.
  70. "Growth of industrial production in the Soviet Union". GW Nutter, I Borenstein, A Kaufman. 1962. ideas.repec.org NBER Books. 191 cites.
  71. "On austrian methodology". R Nozick. 1977. Springer Synthese. 186 cites.
  72. "Economic science and the Austrian method". HH Hoppe. 1995. *books.google.com *. 185 cites.
  73. "Towards a dynamic resource-based view: Insights from Austrian capital and entrepreneurship theory". NJ Foss, I Ishikawa. 2007. journals.sagepub.com Organization Studies. 184 cites.
  74. "Neoclassical, mainstream, orthodox, and heterodox economics". D Dequech. 2007. Taylor & Francis Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 179 cites.
  75. "The economics of the mind". S Rizzello. 1999. ideas.repec.org Books. 179 cites.
  76. "The mind and method of the economist". BJ Loasby. 1989. ideas.repec.org Books. 179 cites.
  77. "Do entrepreneurs need firms? A contribution to a missing chapter in Austrian economics". U Witt. 1999. Springer The Review of Austrian Economics. 177 cites.
  78. "On the evolution of Thorstein Veblen's evolutionary economics". GM Hodgson. 1998. academic.oup.com Cambridge Journal of Economics. 177 cites.
  79. "The myth of natural monopoly". TJ DiLorenzo. 1996. Springer The Review of Austrian Economics. 175 cites.
  80. "Praxeology: The methodology of Austrian economics". MN Rothbard. 1976. mises.org The Foundations of Modern Austrian Economics. 173 cites.
  81. "Austrian and neoclassical economics: any gains from trade?". S Rosen. 1997. JSTOR The Journal of Economic Perspectives. 172 cites.
  82. "Bisociation, discovery and the role of entrepreneurial action". KG Smith, D Di Gregorio. 2002. Blackwell Publishers Oxford, UK ... : Creating a new .... 170 cites.
  83. "The economic calculation debate: lessons for Austrians". IM Kirzner. 1988. Springer The review of Austrian economics. 168 cites.
  84. "The new institutional economics and the theory of behaviour under uncertainty". D Dequech. 2006. Elsevier Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 166 cites.
  85. "Welfare economics and externalities in an open ended universe: A Modern Austrian Perspective". R Cordato. 2013. *books.google.com *. 164 cites.
  86. "The end of socialism and the calculation debate revisited". MN Rothbard. 1991. Springer The Review of Austrian Economics. 162 cites.
  87. "Geographical proximity and the transmission of tacit knowledge". P Desrochers. 2001. Springer The Review of Austrian Economics. 161 cites.
  88. "Creation and pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities: An evolutionary economics perspective". G Buenstorf. 2007. Springer Small Business Economics. 160 cites.
  89. "Context matters: Institutions and entrepreneurship". PJ Boettke, CJ Coyne. 2009. nowpublishers.com Foundations and Trends® in .... 158 cites.
  90. "The Austrian search for realistic foundations". B Caplan. 1999. JSTOR Southern Economic Journal. 158 cites.
  91. "The theory of the firm: The Austrians as precursors and critics of contemporary theory". NJ Foss. 1994. Springer The Review of Austrian Economics. 158 cites.
  92. "Economic calculation and the limits of organization". PG Klein. 1996. Springer The Review of Austrian Economics. 157 cites.
  93. "Economic calculation: The Austrian contribution to political economy". PJ Boettke. 1998. *papers.ssrn.com *. 156 cites.
  94. "On the method of Austrian economics". IM Kirzner. 1976. Mission, Kan.: Sheed and Ward ... of modern Austrian economics. 154 cites.
  95. "Voluntary approaches in environmental policy". C Carraro, F Leveque. 2013. *books.google.com *. 152 cites.
  96. "Ludwig von Mises as social rationalist". JT Salerno. 1990. Springer The review of Austrian economics. 151 cites.
  97. "Schumpeter and the Obsolescence of the Entrepreneur". RN Langlois. 2003. emeraldinsight.com Austrian Economics and Entrepreneurial Studies. 150 cites.
  98. "Firm level performance implications of nonmarket actions". B Shaffer, TJ Quasney, CM Grimm. 2000. journals.sagepub.com Business & Society. 148 cites.
  99. "Alfred Schutz and the Austrian school of economics". C Prendergast. 1986. journals.uchicago.edu American Journal of Sociology. 145 cites.
  100. "On the central concept of Austrian economics: Market process". LM Lachmann. 1976. Kansas City: Sheed and Ward ... of modern Austrian economics. 144 cites.

Republished with permission from the original source: https://blockchainlibrary.org/2018/10/most-cited-behavioral-economics-publications/


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