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RE: How Tesla Is Heinously Overvalued In One Chart (Much Like Most Of The Market)

in #economics7 years ago

Its seriously crazy everything is run off of credit and fake money anymore and the government just keeps printing it. It really feels like we are moving towards some serious hyper inflation here shortly and one of the reasons I am investing so heavily into crypto to try and offset it.

Tesla is a very very clear example of this and your charts really lay it out. Plus hearing that its just random parts slapped together really makes you start wondering about these crazy over priced cars.


None of this is going to end well, but I'll be damned if I have any idea when it's going to blow up.

I would have thought it should have already happened by now.

better early than never

Slapped together doesnt sounds like a $150K car. You should see how many idiots living in DFW that think Tesla is the bees knees

I bet they aren't engineers!

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