New Tank Model Database

in #ecommerce5 years ago

Original post:

Today, I finally finished work on a second tank model database. Unlike a previous post on this blog, which is for Shapeways models, the new database is for models that I'm printing myself. The new database is up on my website, and contains direct links to main entries as well as individual products, along with the prices. Here is what it looks like:

Database preview.PNG

As you can see, these are a lot cheaper than from Shapeways. I ended up pricing them in such a way that ordering even large quantities of a single vehicle is no more cost-effective either way, but that ordering small quantities (or one of everything I offer) saves my customers money (as long as they are outside the UK, because of the enormous tax on non-EU goods). I fully intend to offer different scale options on each product page, so there isn't a need for me to add hyperlinks to the price entries. I intend to add different colour options as well, but that will come later, and will not affect price. I will probably offer dark olive fairly soon, only because it will look better in photographs. However, I see no reason to offer either grey or beige until I have a larger collection of German and British tanks, respectively. Beige will most likely appear first, for the simple reason that Soviet vehicles were painted beige when in Syrian or Egyptian service. Besides, I intend to paint one of each vehicle currently in my inventory, this way my photos will look better and, hopefully, draw more eyeballs. As it is, I have yet to experiment with any sort of SEO, so the vast majority of my traffic is coming from Wargaming 3D.

Much as with Shapeways, my intent with this database is to make finding specific products easy. There are three ways to browse for products, but the database is the only effective way to search - and also compare prices, to see if ordering the larger scale is worth it.

Shameless self-promotion:



WordPress Blog:

Wargaming 3D:

Modelling Vehicle History:



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