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RE: Here's Your Social Distancing Solution

in #ecology5 years ago

Nice but too expensive. They need a good Industrial Engineer to make them producible at a reasonable cost. With most of the expense in labor, pre-making sub assemblies to be assembled when ordered, would cut out a lot of cost to an affordable range.

We cut out a forth of the cost on medical equipment by designing it to be manufactured!



I KNEW these could be made for a reasonable amount. What do you estimate, 5 to 10 grand?

The biggest risk and cost, is the composting system. Remove that with a sawdust system, and the price might make 20K. It is difficult to get cost down on smaller systems, they are harder to assemble.

Make it a little larger, and make the power system an accessory, and you can push the 10K window. Not all locations require internal power. Emergency housing could be less expensive using diesel generators for hundreds of homes at a time.


Yeah for emergency housing they'd have to be down to 10 or 10 K I would think, depending on the government. It would be a fun project for someone like you wouldn't it?

Too many other projects. My brother is an industrial engineer....

Yeah we wouldn't want to interrupt your social media career posting to 5 platforms!

The homestead move is kicking up. Taxes are ever present, Debbie needs care, the homeless ministry is expanding.

On top of that I have a realitor wanting to buy my rental house. I just bought a four wheeler for the homestead.

I repaired the Range Rover, which sounds Great; and I am now working on a new bed in the the small trailer I have here at the house. It will make it easier to move Homestead repair supplies.

I have cut oak logs that will be ready soon for plugging with mushrooms (2 types).

I am setting up a place to house one homeless Man, and I'm trying to get this house ready to sell.

AND I blog a little, LOL!


A Range Rover, by Land Rover? What kind of 4 wheeler did you buy? I need one here.

Plugging oak logs?
What do you mean setting up a place for a homeless man?
Are you selling your rental house?

Yes it is a 1990 Range Rover by Land Rover, I use it to pull trailers. She is a beast!

The 4 wheeler is a John Deere with a dump bed. They are very handy for sure!

Plugging oak logs is how you plant Mushrooms. I can easily get 500 to a thousand Big mushrooms (small mushroom farm); with half for medicine.

I moved one here into my house, until I can find him a place to stay.

No, I have a good renter in there, and I have zero interest in selling.

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