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RE: Eclipse: It's Not Just a Twilight Novel

in #eclipse7 years ago (edited)

Yeah, eclipses are quiet amazing. I have never seen a total one, but a partial (about 4/5th) some years ago. So it didn't get completely dark, but darker and noticeably cooler. And the thing with the shadows is pretty weird, too.
One can understand, why the people in past times where so scared when this happens. Today, science kind of spoiled that a bit, since they can tell beforehand when it will happen, precise to the second. Then its a bit like watching a horror movie in which a narrator tells you "watch it now, some zombies will come into the room in a moment". Still a bit scary, but not very surprising.
On the other hand, its of great help for people who want to observe the whole thing properly. Some even spend a lot of money and go through great length to be at the best places at the right time, and make photos and stuff. A real bummer if its raining then.


Yeah, but at least with the help of the scientists I won't sleep through the eclipse! Guess I don't want to sleep through a zombie appearing, either.
I don't think I'm going to bother trying to take a photo--I don't have the proper equipment, and others do ... maybe this time I'll just sit back and enjoy it, if it's not cloudy.

Well, may be you can try a snapshot, but you are right, for real great photos of the eclipse it needs special equipment. But only try during the totality - not only eyes can get fried by the sun, camera sensors, too.
So just sitting back in a comfy deck chair with the super dark glasses on, and perhaps a bottle of beer, is propably a good option. Just make sure you dont fall asleep then. And then blame the science, because without knowing you wouldn't have sat in a comfy deck chair with super dark glasses on... :)
Btw, the tip about not driving around in a car during the event may be wise. Some people might be even more distracted as they are when texting on twitter, if they try to see the eclipse and then text about it on twitter. In view of this it was perhaps also a good idea to be on leave during that time.

On a entirely different matter... Wow, it seems you have made your breakthrough here on Steemit already! Looks like some whales have noticed you (whales = people with enormous voting power), congratulations! If 25 upvotes give $150 they must be pretty impressed with you.
Well, its about time that you get some reward for all the work you have put into the writing. I always believed in you. And, who knows, may be you give me a loan one day. That $15 mio thing from the Fed doesn`t look very promising anyway... :)

People are impressed with me? That's impressive! Absolutely, as soon as I get that million dollar three book deal or the lottery win, whichever comes first, you'll be first in line for the loan.

I got some photos around the eclipse, but mostly of the crowd. Honest, during totality you'll better off just enjoying yourself and leaving the rest to the pros.

Well, they were impressed enough to give you a few hundred dollars. Thats more than I got so far. Appearantly there is a group of about 25 whales who liked your Valerian review and the eclipse post. So keep it coming.

All you need to do now is, to go to your wallet page and click "redeem rewards", then the money gets booked into your wallet. Partly as Steem (Steem Power) and partly as Steem Dollars (SBD).
This is important, because thats how you build up your own voting power, so your upvote is also worth something.
Keep in mind, this is not about toy money.

What, I like toy money! I used to play with it a lot as a kid, and there was never inflation.

That's an interesting name for them, whales. Honestly, I'd rather have people buying my books than upvoting me -- but on the other hand, if it amounts for me making money for my writing, it's all leading me in the same eventual direction. I'll have to get a few more posts out before I go away again for two weeks in September.

Yeah, minnows, dolphins and whales, thats how the classes here are called. Perhaps you have seen those terms being used in posts here.

Well, if people upvote you post, its basically like buying your book. Ok, the money is not coming out of their pocket, and its not a complete book. But it means they like your work, and perhaps they look out for the real books, too.
And lets face it - when was the last time you got 150 bucks for a 1 page film rewiew? Or make that amount during a book signing , after all expenses were payed for?
But your really need to claim your rewards, to get some steempower. And then perhaps give me a few upvotes as well. Its not only for the money (2-300 SP will only mean 4 cents upvotes) but also for the reputation points. You have overtaken me already in those, did you notice? I´m stuggling to get to 52, you are over 53 already. They are also important here, regarding curation and flagging.
And just keep repeating "its not my money I'm giving away, its not my money I'm giving away..." :)

I haven't noticed, actually ... I barely have time to come over here and check for comments, let alone look at anything else. I keep telling myself I'll have some time to dig further into it, then that time never seems to come. But it is nice to think people from here will go over and look at my books, because in the end that's what will make or break my success as a writer.

I'm working on remembering the upvotes, though!

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