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RE: Biblically Speaking, Too Many Things About This Eclipse To Be A Coincidence

in #eclipse7 years ago

"don't do to others what you don't want done to yourself".

3 zoroastrians found baby Jesus; your three 3 wise man..... religion is so weird (talking is useless); have to say some are like bureaucrats.


Religion, yeah can b weird, but, Jesus is not a religion.. oh and it wasn't just 3, the Bible doesn't say exactly how many there were..

pfff..... can they ever be honest? there are three!!!! okay; there are three.... and then it turns out; we don't really know how many.....

No wonder I became cynic..... I have met some hypocrite cunts.

Can't blame christianity for the 3 thing, anyone who knows the Bible knows doesn't say 3, the gifts of gold, myrrh and frankincense has led to the thinking it was 3 each with one gift, regardless not really a significant issue..

Yeah there are hypocrites but not all who call themselves one actually are, the fruit of their lives is what shows it, even so no such thing as a perfect
christian all are works in progress..

cause they would stop being christians afterwards? but that makes them worthy of no respect; I go for a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG walk.... Pilgrams; should write about this topic; it makes it easy to combine many topics :P

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