Adventures in Ebay Reselling #2- The Adventure is Often Worth More than What You Resell

in #ebay7 years ago (edited)

Ebay reselling is hard. Just ask anyone that has been doing it for a bit. Don't worry, this is not a canned response that we all have in a feeble attempt to keep newcomers from taking up shop to become potential competition. It really is tough. So many do this and lose money - I still lose money from time to time on some products. It is a part of the job description - this is going to be tough and you are going to probably lose money at some point. That is fine though because I am here to tell you, the adventure you go on in order to obtain goods to resell is often worth more than the goods you resell.


How we found our new home

We were not specifically looking for a new home when we found the piece of property we are purchasing. We were out riding around, wanted to check out a new town and see what stores they had. That is how we discovered Malvern. We first drove through the little town and thought, is this all there is? Pretty much. A Walmart, a Dollar Tree, a Dollar General and two Valero gas stations within view of each other. That is pretty much Malvern Arkansas. It is also our new home, we plan on moving there by the first of 2019 (the latest I plan on being at my day job).

Our piece of land is about nine minutes South of Malvern, not right in town but close enough that we can get high speed Internet and still enjoy a quiet summer night looking at the stars. We are planning on looking things over better on my birthday (Monday) and I will probably have pictures to share in a new article.

That first trip to Malvern left us wanting. We didn't pick anything up from the few stores - it was a Sunday so a lot of the smaller mom and pop thrift shops and flea markets in the old part were closed (imagine that, being closed on a Sunday).

A few years pass and we remember Malvern

Considering we had such bad luck the first trip to Malvern we didn't go back for a year or three. My wife remembered that we had not been there in a while so we went back one afternoon. This time we hit the jackpot as far as resells go. We picked up a lot of Batman Unlimited Minis at the local Dollar Tree (we left three or four unopened boxes of 12). I also grabbed a few Pokemon keychains at Walmart there for $1 each - solid metal ones that are sought after on Ebay.

Not right down the road but not too far

That is the best way to describe Malvern in comparison to where we live now. It is not too far but it is not right next door either. We enjoy the twenty to thirty minute ride on the interstate road to get there as it gives us time to talk and reconnect as a couple.

Malvern is just a small town that we would have probably never thought of checking out had it not been for Ebay reselling and general interest in what the stores there had available.

As you can see, more often than not the adventure you go on while reselling can be more rewarding than the stuff you pick up. You just have to be open minded about it and look at positives.

Who else resells? What adventures have you been on? What new locations has reselling led you to?

Other entries:
Adventures in Ebay Reselling #1 - Just Because the App Says They Have It, They Don't
Adventures in eBay Reselling #3 – Where to Find Stock When Your Favorite Store is Sold Out
Ebay Reselling and How to Get Inventory
How to Make Money on Ebay, Not as Simple as it Sounds

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