
You are ask again to refund @abdurrahman7 full amount. You are ask to do so!
Your Account is about to be Worthless!

Refund this Guy or Face My 100% Down Vote ! NOw!

You are ask again to refund this Guy! Please do not ignore this Message.
Whalepower community will not Tolerate this kind of Behavior!

For every time you SPAM my wallet with unsolicited advertisements, I will flag two of your comments. Thanks for the 0.001 STEEM and for your understanding. Have a nice day! :D

Hello, I transferred 1 SDB about 22 hours ago, I would like to know how many votes I will receive and in what time.

Hello, I transferred 1 SDB more than 22 hours ago, I would like to know when I will receive the votes.

i dont get eny thing two :(

I've sent his sbd three sbd but no one has arrived to our post already

Ask for Refund for you.

Sama siapa aku harus mintak masalah kamer itu memang kebutuhan kita dalam bermain steemit terimakasih kamu masih mau bicara sama aku lagi

Kalau ini orang tiaada kembali balik uang , Saya akan Hapus nya!

Siapa yang mintak kembalika uang saya tidak minta kebalikan uang saya tidak tahu masalah kembalikan uang. uang apa itu bls

Oh ya saya kirim tiga sbd sama #big-whale dia berjanji sama saya dia akan merester akun saya tapih tidak ada

kalou so return it sbd I've been from before I wait tapih not exist

Uang sudah kembali.... Siap
Kalau dia tiada kembali , saya akan hapus nya.

Terimakasih kawan kamu memang sangat banyak membantu saya, saya memang salah badahal kamu sudah bilang sama saya, kalau kamu mau berhasil di steemit sbd nya jangan kamu keluakan itulah kebodohan saya terimakasih

I don't have that amount. But I wish to be helped. Please assist me

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