Getting to Know Me Better/ My Co-Creators
Hey friends,
I normally post about my spiritual journey, but today I felt like introducing myself more and inviting you to get to know me on a more personal level.
My name is Dusty. I am from Arkansas, USA. I have been married for 4 years, and am a full-time mom of 4.
My oldest daughter Edel passed away at 3 months and 25 days back in 2007. Losing a child was one of the hardest experiences of my life. It has taken me 11 years to get to a better place and be able to heal. I am thankful that this beautiful little girl chose me as her mother and for the short experience that I had with her. I will always cherish these moments for all of my life.
I have been blessed with 3 more children. My little girl is 7 years old, and I have two boys ages 5 and 3.
I stay really busy homeschooling my 7 year old. She is in First Grade!
These are my two little boys:
Thank you for reading my post! Much love to all of you beautiful souls❤!
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