How will we create an organic Earth!?

in #earthnation7 years ago

The change and shift start in our own homes.

Source of image is unknown, but one of a project in China where they turned a sewerage filled river
into a water landscape!

Whether we own the home we stay in or we rent, we have to aim to plant most of what we would like to eat.
Start informing yourself about permaculture and how to eat food raw!

The raw food diet is by far the diet which offers me the most energy I have ever felt in my life.
Cooking your food- even if it is organic- is basically dead and void of nutrition.
We have to aim to eat our food raw.

It is a whole journey of rediscovery and in actual fact it is less time consuming than cooking 3 meals a day-
So for women, this is the revolution - where we step out of cooking our days away,
into the organic garden - where the true bliss can be found.

So let's start greening our own homes,
bring plants and Nature into our homes and take ourselves into the gardens.

Regrowing kitchen scraps - source of image is unknown
regrowing kitchen scraps - Copy.jpg

Let's name each potplant in our homes and let's introduce them to the world.
Or plant a seed that you have collected on your journey and see how your life transforms.

I would love to see pictures of your homes being greened and I would love feedback from all your permaculture garden projects!

Recycling your waste is also very important!
It is very important to question if we really need all the stuff we buy and how to get rid of our waste consciously.
This is a big thing as it's very easy to just throw stuff away, but it's a whole mission and a half to recycle the waste you and your family produce in one week.

Remember: If all of us recycled all our waste, we will have no landfill sites!
We have to be that change we wish to see in the world!

Please document your projects and especially do before and after pictures.
If you are an active member of the Earth Nation you can blog your stories to Steemit.
I am also planning a Nomvula bot on Steemit which will be upvoting posts like these and run regular funfilled, playful activities.

fuck the system.jpg
This above image is also from an unknown source but wonderful advice applicable to anyone!

Next step is to green the school that is located the closest to you:
Once you have greened your own home and you have connected with your neighbours over the fence, you then are going to find the school that is located the closest to you.
Whether it is a primary or high school or daycare...any school.


You are going to find that school, which is in walking distance, from where you stay and you are going to propose to them that you would like to green the school with the help of all the students and teachers.
By now you should have gotten enough permaculture knowledge from the web to be able to give you the knowledge of how to do a basic permaculture design for the school.
( you are going to need the Ortho photo for this- but Google Earth are very useful and the ortho photo can be sourced from there.)
Once you have the design you will work out the budget.
Once you have the budget - we will put our minds together to source the funding for it.

Once a week, I will host an online meeting in Zoom - to see all the lovely faces of those who are actively making the Earth an Organic Earth.
The school gardens are to become organic seedbanks and every community will have at least one seed bank to ensure that organic seeds are available to all.

1480770_577183665684431_273098920_n - Copy.jpg
schoolgardens - source of image unknown

Please document your whole story - every step of the way.
This is the greening revolution that is going to happen and you will be the star in your community for doing this!
This will become your work of art.

Remember: if all of us did this, all the schools will be greened in a month's time!
Meaning potentially we can live on that organic Earth we all dream of,** if we choose it.**

I am Nomvula the Greeninglady and I am intent on turning this world around.

Please join us and let’s together turn this world around as that is the only way we will be able to do this- together!

Follow this link and see you in the Zoom meetings!


Wonderful content! I appreciate you! I'm glad I got to see this. Upvoted and resteemed sister!

Thank you sweet sister! I also appreciate you! Thank you for the Upvote and Resteem!

We can do it! Individually and together.

we are doing it....have a look at

Thank you for contributing your knowledge to help others! The Sotall Community has linked to your post here.. If you write any future articles with instructions on how to do any tasks related to a homestead or survival, to ensure they are added to the directory, please submit them. They will be added as soon as possible.

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