Is 'Twin Flames' a...Thing?

in #earthnation6 years ago (edited)

Is ‘Twin Flames’ a thing?  

This is the question I asked of a man I met online through Facebook (OMG). I don’t meet men on Facebook, in fact I had successfully avoided this experience for years. I certainly didn’t agree to speak to any man reaching out to me on Facebook unless it was for an interview.  Suddenly, I was abruptly and unexpectedly introduced into what is, from my perspective -- not his -- the first stage of a deep, delightful and soulful connection with a complete stranger. 

For the fully awakened twin, this energetic connection that brings with it a profound sense of soulful love spanning many lifetimes. You recognize your beloved other as a  person you have known intimately in other lives, on other timelines, and not all of these lifetimes have been on earth.

The twin flame dynamic isn't new, although it became a 'thing" in the early 2000s among awakening milennials and a few older, intrepid spiritual warriors who were born in the 1940s knowing they are here to transform this planet. Right now.

Here’s a link with more information:

From personal experience, I align with the Gnostic perspective. This is from a translation of the Gospel of Thomas.

"Now, since it has been said that you are my twin and true companion, examine yourself, and learn who you are, in what way you exist, and how you will come to be. 

Since you will be called my brother, it is not fitting that you be ignorant of yourself. And I know that you have understood, because you had already understood that I am the knowledge of the truth. So while you accompany me, although you are uncomprehending, you have (in fact) already come to know, and you will be called 'the one who knows himself'. For he who has not known himself has known nothing, but he who has known himself has at the same time already achieved knowledge about the depth of the all.”

No, the twin flame dynamic  isn't about love at first sight.  Today, most educated women know to run as fast as they can from a love at first sight situation.  Women have learned the hard way that most love at first sight situations are a collision between hormones, chemistry, pheromones, and psychological projection that ignites a powerful erotic response from our bodies. It's on and we connect physically. We worry about emotions, reality and consequences later. After that memorable or miserable one-night stand. 

Here's my perspective:

Twin flames meet and a literally nuclear energy blast takes place between them. This blast is orgasmic -- without the need to touch one another! A person's entire energy system is ignited with the power of true sacred sensuality -- co-creation. When the energy field opens up in this rapid fire way, the capacity for telepathic communication is ignited as well. Add to this, the ability to feel your twin's emotional and physical state.

Asking the question of my new friend: “Is this a thing?” was my first mistake! My modern, female mind and personality wanted to label the connection instead of feeling the connection. The energy and instant telepathy between really was mind-blowing -- in a good way. On my end? Whenever I thought about my counterpart, he would call or text within minutes. Fabulous. Spooky. I could feel him inside of me right off the bat. He wasn’t having the same experience for a number of practical reasons in terms of spiritual purity. I’ll leave that there.

You'll know if your counterpart is binge drinking and if they are screwing around. You feel the accompanying sensations in your body even though you and your twin may be  hundreds or even thousands of miles apart. The sexual energy between twin flames is  nuclear. It's powerful enough to trigger feelings of emotional engulfment and/or sexual bondage. It’s also powerful enough to change matter. You get drunk, I wake up nauseous. I'm intimate with someone other than you, you are right there in the bang to bang. It's a trip.

Most victims of love at first sight live out the dating to marriage to family paradigm.  This isn't the case with the twin flame dynamic, although some "twins" do come into what is known as union, and a few then move on into relationships as romantic partners or into working partnerships.

Twin flames grow up to become a sacred union. This happens when this one single soul that is divided into two bodies reunites, but this union takes decades when one or both parties are emotionally scarred or stunted because of being raised in a family that doesn't know how to give and receive unconditional love. In fact, one or both twins may have endured emotional, psychological or sexual abuse.

The Twin Flame dynamic is a path through the painful separation patterns of co-dependent, conditional love that we take for ‘how it is’ in modern life into the truth, trust and transparency that are the hallmarks of spiritual union. 

In sacred union, you are seen and known, and you can't hide -- anything -- about who you are. Your twin will know. The sacred union journey is literally body, soul, mind, and a fully open heart merging with a unification of our conscious, unconscious, and subconscious selves times two. Through your sacred union counterpart, each of you comes to know and love yourself without deception while being held in a space of unconditional love that is your beloved counterpart.

As a fully awakened female in the dynamic and in balance with my masculine energy, I enjoy our dream time visits.  It’s crazy fun when I begin using a particular new phrase he 'mirrors' back the same name a state of conscious word that is being embedded in the service to others work I do as a life coach and mentor. It's a trip. 

Evolving into the sacred union aspect of your spiritual journey will be terrifying if you are lying to yourself, are hiding from your authentic self, there are emotions you can't tolerate feeling, you suffer from low self-esteem, you are ashamed of yourself, you readily judge others and expect to be judged harshly, and your heart is closed to unconditional love. 

The twin flame dynamic will scare the crap out of you, and one or both of you will run.

Fortunately, your soul in its wisdom has a way of balancing the masculine and feminine creative, emotional, sensual energy between the pair to be able to meet and communicate in truth, transparency, and eventually? Trust. My counterpart is 30 years younger. I'm already awakened, enlightened and have been doing my world service for a couple of decades while he is just getting it together and getting started. I know quite a bit about the expectations, disappointments, and cultural lies that are inherent in the romantic dating to marriage to family cultural dream and have awakened from this, too.  Been there, done that. No more babies. I can pay my own bills and hire muscle when I need to. He's just begun to fight the incredible fight for our one soul authenticity light show and living his life purpose and fending off questions from his family about marriage and grandchildren.

We both exchanged runner and chaser roles. I stopped running and refocused on living my solo and very happy life. I do, however, really enjoy the telepathy, feeling how lovely it is to be in truth, transparency, and trust with another person in my 3D life. He's still finding out whether or not he likes this as much as I do, or whether he wants to share this gift with me. 

We are not a romantic couple but energetically we are giving birth to living our life purpose and making our unique contributions to our world, at this time, on this timeline.

What's exquisitely beautiful about the twin flame ignition dynamic and its evolution into a sacred union journey is that once you are able to hold this nuclear power in conscious relationship, first with yourself, and then with your beloved other? You will be Home. That's Home with a capital H.

Next post? How amazing the one-on-one telepathy and shared physical sensations are and how powerful the sacred sensuality runs between us when we are hundreds of miles apart but not when we are together. It’s just too much energy to manage consciously.

At least we are in the same time zone and speak the same language!

This isn't true for all twin flames. The twins who save money being geographically closer and who can more readily talk and work through their ‘stuff’ move through letting go of fear and separation sooner than those of us who are like moths to a flame and like two magnets who either can’t connect or who can’t be pulled apart. 

Divine union takes lifetimes for our shared soul to line up and perhaps takes decades to fulfill as a reunion. I can tell you this for sure, the resist of either counterpart postpones your journey Home together, back to the heart of creation. 


Anaiis Salles

#livinglessons #consciousness #co-creation #sacredunion #accelerated evolution

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