Lessons in Love: Non-judgment and Acceptance vs. Adoration then Crucification

in #earthnation7 years ago (edited)

This post may be triggering. I hope it can serve to teach something about how we view and treat one another.

Have you heard of the Jesus Syndrome. I'm making it up, but it looks like this. You idolize someone, than crucify them. You think they are the END all Be All, and then project your insecurities and problems, doubts and fears onto them, and decide they are the enemy. Let me share some context.

When I was younger and learning about spirituality, I made an assumption about yoga teachers. My awareness of yoga from the book, Autobiography of a Yogi was rooted in the likes of the great Baba's and spiritual masters, and thus I assumed that a yoga teacher was - well - very enlightened.

Amanda Sage.jpg
Art by Amanda Sage

And especially famous yoga teachers who had huge followings. I assumed they were less human and more godly - never getting upset or having emotional reactions, always acting in complete grace and majesty, and effortlessly guided by the channel of divine spirit, where every word was a direct translation of the deepest esoteric Truths of life.

Ha ha ha. I was for one - naive, for two - overly idealistic about humans, especially spiritual leaders being totally awake and free. I was seeking for Truth from others. I was in my seeker phase. I had alot of feelings that the world was totally backwards. My reflections told me I was the crazy one. And so I had to seek like-minded souls and reflections to affirm my knowing. This is a typical way we grow. And then I judged these reflections for not being "Godly" enough. There was merit in this, as it taught me to seek my inner knowing, And we can all learn without harming others, or crucifying the beings we choose to learn from when they show us they're only human. This is similar for some parents too. You assume they know everything, find out they don't, and then be a rude little ungrateful shit. You get the point.

I forgot about this phase, as I've since moved on to knowing God within, and realized that all these yoga teachers were very human.

I bring this up today, because I am on the other side of this story now in some ways. People have looked up to me, wanted to follow me, pay me big sums of money to live with them and assist their awakening and also assume that I am well all Godly in action ALLWAYS - whatever that really means.

I Also co-lead a large global organization and yes, many many more people come with ideals, projections, and assumptions, and then well, judge and crucify some of us.

It's a thing.

At first I was shocked that people were putting so much value outside themselves and putting any of us on a pedestal - as we are all normal humans - perhaps with some big hearts, and then again, the tendency was more common than I expected and so I learned that this is thing, and I remembered that I used to do that.

Whatever karma I created by judging people I considered to be spiritual masters, I forgive myself for.

I remember why I didn't take people up on their offers to lead them - because I could not bear the feeling of someone needing me in that way. That felt very suffocating, and the FREEDOM LIBERATOR in me, wants you in your FREEDOM, not sourcing your light from me. This was especially challenging because I intended and would share with students in my yoga classes to stop following my lead - when they felt spirit leading their yoga practice. My philosophy was to DO YOU! and perhaps this made me even more magnetic.

This is another uncomfortable point, when people want to be around me or any light being, and say your energy is so good, I just need to be around it. Eeek. Red Flag. I know they are doing the best they can and that is not very comfortable to hear. I work through my own feelings - of not feeling safe - as others are judging me, and that kind of behavior really tips the scale for me.

I am a bit sensitive to this still - as you can hear. And will do my best to FEEL SAFE, and be me, and know that people will judge and that will be that.

Anyway, I learned this year again, that people would pedestal me, and then judge me and my humanness. And this happens not just to me, but to soooo many. Even look at the way people idolize movie stars or models or whatever the media is telling you in the most epic thing, and then live in the drama of media tearing these normal people to shreds.

Its even funny, when people say to me, Oh, you're normal. You watch movies and do human things. Well damn. Yup.

So.... for any of us that get crucified - metaphorically, or for those of us doing the Godly judging, perhaps this share has provided some awareness and understanding.

Let us all be mindful - to be kind and understanding to those humans that may stand in the spotlight - who are perhaps making big waves and garnering attention, just as we are kind to those humans silently observing. Let us not seek to "get" Light from others, and rather remember that YOU ARE THE LIGHT.

Let's DECLARE here and NOW to DO and BE our best to not judge people, or ever look for faults as precedent. Let's affirm that we ACCEPT each other's humanness.

I feel some people just do this as a separation paradigm default. Let this way of being die with the old paradigm, so we may all be supported and feel safe in our journey as a human being.

Let's also DECLARE to be ultra mindful to never project fears or doubts, or lower pain vibrations we are feeling onto any figure or being, where our lens of focus quickly 180 degrees shifts from ADORATION to Judgment and Punishment.

Each of us in on our own path. Some of us have strengths at some things, while others are more adept at other things. Let us not compare one another or seek to befriend someone to get close, only to learn of the humanness, and then gossip and belittle them. Essentially this is the behavior of a traitor. And if this has ever been a scenario you've been apart. Take the moment hear and Now to Forgive yourself and the other.

There's another way to Presence Love.

Here's to MORE LOVE and more ACCEPTANCE in ALL the ways,

I LOVE YOU, Lila*Star.


@earthnation EQK Boost me baby.

Very powerful message here! We are all human and have faults and are not perfect all of the time. Being too idealistic about spiritual leaders and idolizing them as perfection personified because they appear to have all of the answers...can become very dangerous.

The negative judgment when those expectations are not fully met basically derails any progress they might have made on understanding the journey to balance...and how to be the light. I love that sentiment by the way...don't seek the source...become the source. <3

Also stopping by to say that you have been featured and curated for MSP Community Curation: Top Five 'Positive PAL Posts' - Week #07


Yes, Thankyou @creativesoul for the thoughtful response and discussion, like we're having tea. And wow! I'm honored to be recognized, especially sharing something real and vulnerable. What a cool service. Thank you for helping make Steem culture positive and fun!

Real and vulnerable thoughts often make gemstones! Thank you so much for expressing your experiences here...I must have read through this post four times in total...because so much of what you say really hits home...on many different levels. I have been on both sides of this coin...and never know how to handle the emotions that come with either one because there is no before and after. Although always mindful and aware of my own thoughts and actions...I still sometimes fall back into patterns of judgement and general lack of acceptance...because I project fears or doubts and personal pain onto other beings. I really hate it...and it's a flaw that either needs to be fixed or accepted. There have also been people in the past who see one facet of my personality that looks rather sunny and suddenly...I am placed on a very uncomfortable pedestal in which I don't feel like being human and having shadows is 'allowed'. This brings about intense anxiety and yet more fear and doubt because I am still learning how to process the sad reality that I have let someone down...however irrational their expectation happens to be. Anyway! These are just my random thoughts that materialized after reading your post... :D

I appreciate your thoughtful personal response. I love how we can be aware of the places that we are in process with, do our best, and conytinue to do the big Love work. Your responses have been an absolute pleasure. Yeah! I hope more choose to engage as you have. It's one thing that Makes Steemit really special - the connection. Much Love!! haha. I responded from my secret other minnow support account. oops.

The wish genie looks like a neat account..and that pretty much summarizes it! Being aware of the stages in process...just doing the best and showing big love along the way. Pretty good place to be...lots of room to grow and evolve!

Thank you for the connection! Much love and light! <3

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hmmmm. Why do some people find it difficult to approve of themselves though? Why do some live on the praises of others?

Yes, we are still collectively doing alot of work in the self-love area. May all beings know we are more than enough. Much Love @kivar

Wow! Great content.

I find for myself, that the more judgemental I am of others, the more I judge my own self... Sometimes it takes a while to recognize the correlation.

How to love the world, how to love oneself? Somehow must both accept and live oneself while striving to overcome our failings... A lot to ask! But it must be done.

Yes! It is BIG work and I can't imagine settling on anything else. TY for your self-awareness and asking the Big Questions that spirit will in my experience will our reality to answer.

I forget where I read this quote , I think maybe a Carlos Castaneda book? Anyway, it seems fitting "Even wise men get sad, mad and angry - they just don't dwell on it" lol I've also often had people getting offended that I sell my Mandala art, or that I charge the prices I do. I gladly share my art for free on social media, if someone wants an original painting hanging on their wall, or one created custom for them, of course I deserve to earn a what it costs keep my business going and to live. Followed you :)

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