Earth Day 2018 - A call for cutting plastic waste, environmental protection for our "green and beautiful" life

in #earthday6 years ago (edited)

Earth Day 2018

Today, April 22, 1818, is the 48th anniversary since the birth of the 1970s.
On this day, many activities are organized around the world to promote awareness of the importance of protecting the environment. And basically it can be considered a successful event.
However, the Earth is still a lot of problems that you do not know yet.



The birth of "Earth Day"

Earth Day (22/4) was born more than 40 years ago with a special meaning, a day that is used to inspire awareness and appreciation of the Earth's natural environment.

  • John McConnell, creator of Earth Day, celebrated Earth on March 21, 1970. The city of San Francisco, the city of Saint Francis, responded by announcing March 21, 1977 as Earth Day and then UN Secretary-General U Thant announced that it is International Earth Day. It is the winter day to end the spring, the new plant emerges.
    But then a large part of the annual groups celebrating Earth Day after Easter is truly Earth Day, and they celebrate on April 22 every year.
    On this day, people organize activities to protect the environment.

  • The second Earth Day was launched on April 22, 1970 by Gaylord Nelson, a former Democratic senator from Wisconsin, with 20 million people.
    It is the day when mankind temporarily shelters daily affairs, worries and anxieties to think and act for the natural world in which we live.
    On Earth Day, people often organize activities for the purpose of environmental protection such as propaganda calling for people to work together to protect the environment, organize tree planting, waste collection, protect the environment. clean and beautiful green living.
    At that time, millions of people objected to industrial development that has had a negative impact on the environment over the past decade. This event was quickly supported around the world. So far, about 1 billion people have participated in environmental protection campaigns.

  • This year's Earth Day theme revolves around plastic waste, which is being addressed by environmental experts for the purpose of encouraging people to cut down on plastic waste every day. Where does plastic waste come from? Large amount of plastic waste comes from living, production and health. With the increasing volume of waste in the environment, plastic waste is the biggest threat to human and animal habitats.

  • There is a lot of evidence to show that the effects of waste on the environment, such as:
    1 - The 6-ton whale died of swallowing more than 30 pounds of garbage in the abdomen.

Follow the Telegraph given, an existing fishist was already exists on the shore of West Ban Nha. The Vendor for the given, the kernel will give the death is do human must be must be must be must be must be must be must have a 29kg bag nilon.

2 - We have lost a non ron


According to some sources, the rhino died of industrial wastewater.

3 - Icebergs in Greenland are melting too fast


Know that the Earth is heating up, and the ice will have to melt. But the fact that ice in Greenland - one of the year-round islands covered by snow in the north - is melting at an incredible rate, the area is warming up at twice the speed of the average. on this planet. This is the fastest ice melting speed in more than 1,500 years. If the Greenland ice is melted, global sea levels are expected to increase by 6 meters. That is a terrible number, because there will be many parts of the world are submerged completely.

These are evidences, which are the result of polluted environments, which are the causes of our own unconscious actions.



Over the last 50 years, consumption and waste from plastic items have been increasing steadily. According to the plastic-pollution website, about 299 million tons of plastic waste is discharged into the environment in 2013, an increase of about 4% compared to 2012. Another study by the National Center for Analysis and Synthesis The amount of plastic waste coming from the mainland into the sea. As a result, every year, the oceans suffer 8 million tons of plastic. This figure is expected to double by 2025.


It is said that outside the ocean there are mountains of plastic waste. But not! The amount of waste in the ocean now is enough to make an island.

Cheap price plus convenience, items made from plastic are popular people use. But less than 10% of the 300 million tons of plastic a year can be recycled. One of the reasons plastic waste is the enemy of the environment is the decomposition time of hundreds of years. The Marine Conservancy estimated the breakdown of each type of plastic waste as follows:

  • Styrofoam plastic cup - 50 years.
  • Plastic drinking water - 400 years.
  • Disposable plastic bag - 450 years.
  • Plastic bottle - 450 year.
  • Fishing line is 600 years.

So far in the world, garbage from plastic has grown to a huge 6.3 billion tons and is growing. So what did we do? Despite knowing the enormous impact of plastic waste, we still use the overflowing, indiscriminate. Again proved environmental pollution is due to human consciousness.



"From the poisoning of marine life to human food quality, plastic waste is the cause of life-threatening illnesses. Increasing waste is threatening the survival of the planet. "

Plastic waste causes a lot of negative impacts on our environment and our lives. First, plastic causes damage to the food chain in the wild. Diverse in size, plastic can harm even the smallest organisms. The "decomposition" of plastic does not mean that it completely disappears or is transformed into another form of matter. They will split into small plastic particles of nanometer size, suspended in seawater and become food of plankton, small aquatic species. These micro-granules can not digest, so they accumulate in the animal's body. And according to the food chain - big fish eat baby fish, large animals eat small animals - the amount of plastic from one person to another. At the end of the food chain, humans are the organism that consumes all of the plastic. That is why saying a bottle of plastic you discharged today will eventually return to your dining table.


Not only that, plastic waste pollutes water, soil and air. Every year, the number of dead sea creatures due to plastic poisoning is constantly increasing. In addition, improper handling of waste plastic will adversely affect groundwater and atmospheric sources, increase the greenhouse effect and contribute significantly to climate change. Therefore, to protect the freshness of the Earth, every individual must be aware of environmental responsibility and jointly reduce the amount of plastic waste outside.



We breathe the same atmosphere, living together on the beautiful planet, so each of us must be responsible for the environment they are in. No matter how far away you are, you can start by changing your daily routine like limiting your nylon bag and refusing to take plastic when shopping. Instead, you can carry a bag to store your belongings and prepare a personal water jar so that you do not have to use plastic or plastic disposable plastic bottles.


Use individual water jugs instead of disposable plastic bottles and glasses


Use fabric bags instead of nylon bags

Besides changing your daily routine, you should replace plastic with environmentally friendly materials. For example, paper straws, bamboo straws, grass straws ... will be more biodegradable than plastic straws. Also, keep things simple, such as water bottles, plastic kitchen utensils, and reusable items.



If only you change is not enough, encourage people around the "no" with plastic. At first, people may feel uncomfortable but over time, this good habit will help improve our own living environment, let's take action every day. Do not let our children later not clean environment to breathe, there is no ground to go because everywhere only full waste plastic !!!


By: @thethor1122

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